stranded island(part one)

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Your P.O.V

"Y/N! You ready for our island flying adventure?" Niall asked, with a huge smile on his face.

"Yep! And I'm guessing by the way you face looks your just as excited or maybe even more." You replied, laughing a little at his excitement.

"Oh, you know me so well." He told you, grabbing your hand.

You and Niall decided to be a bit adventurous and have a helicopter fly you both around a volcano that's near the island your staying on, in Hawaii.

"Well, let's get going so we can make it in time, I got it to where it's only us and the pilot." Niall explained, while putting on his shoes.

"Okay, let me put on my shoes and grab my camera to take pictures." You agreed, while turning around to get your stuff.

"You ready?" Niall asks, as you walk up to him at the door of your hotel room.

"Yep!" You exclaimed, with a smile on you face while Niall grabs your hand to hold.

~after car ride~

After about 15 minutes you arrive where the helicopter was being held at, you both were taken to be taught about what to do in different scenarios while on the helicopter, but you both it was stupid, what could happen.

Little did you both know that those safety lessons would save our life's.


Hey, I'm sorry I haven't updated in while but I wrote this little imagine for you all.

I think there be at least six parts to this one, so I hope you enjoy it.

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