Cherri Cola x Reader - Cold (Advent Calendar 2020)

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Prompt: C: Cold (It's cold out! How do they react to the freezing winter air? Does someone else help with fighting the cold?) from kairaiimagines ' "Christmas Alphabet prompt list on Tumblr

Word count: 797

A/N: I'm writing this with Cherri Cola for... well, you know who you are.

The cold had slowly but steadily crept into your dreams, causing you to wrap the blanket around your body every tighter, until it eventually woke you up. Shivering you sat on the mattress you called a bed, and blinked into the room. Beams of white-blueish light fell through the gaps in the barricaded windows of the shed, and a few meters away from your bed lights were blinking in a rhythmic dance of blues, reds and greens on the radio station. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you noticed how cold even your face was, and yawning, you extended a hand to the other side of the bed. Only to find it empty. Surprised and very awake all of a sudden, you turned to check if you had not only missed your partner's body. But he was not there. Confused you furrowed your brows and got out of bed, hissing as your bare feet hit the cold floor. You were used to the cold of the nights in the desert. But this felt different. Where usually the cold nights were annoying, this cold, that had now taken hold of the shed, was piercing your heart.

You wrapped the blanket tighter around your shivering body, and marched across the room, finding a few old rags, which you quickly pushed into the biggest gaps between the wooden boards, hoping to keep in the last bit of warmth, before your thoughts turned back to the dark haired DJ, who was supposed to be by your side. Where had he gone? The shed was literally only one room, so there was nowhere to hide for him.

Just in that moment you heard someone waking around outside, and the next moment regular blows against the outside of the shed made everything around you shake. Tightening the blanket around your shoulders even further, you slipped into your old, worn out boots, and moved to the door, poking your head outside. Much to your surprise a thick layer of snow was covering the world. And this in the desert? You took in your surroundings, remembering how much you had enjoyed snow when you had been a kid. Now snow was dangerous, because the traces you were leaving in it were easy to follow for dracs. Walking around the corner of the shed, you found Cherri, holding something that looked like one of several polystyrene plates against the shed and fastening it with nails. His bare hands were almost as white as the snow to his feet, but his cheeks and nose had taken an adorable red hue.

You smiled as you watched him for a while, and leant against the wall. Who would have thought you could find love in a post-apocalyptic desert? Not you. And then it was even someone as caring, loving and sweet as Cherri. You took a deep breath of the cold air that smelled so much cleaner than the dusty air in the desert usually did.

"Morning," you quietly greeted him, finally wanting Cherri to notice you.

He smiled before he lowered his hands, and turned to you. The smile on his face grew even broader as he saw you standing wrapped in the blanket, watching him.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," he whispered, walking over to you. Placing his hands at the sides of your shoulders, he leant in and gently kissed the top of your head, his hot breath causing a shiver to run down your spine.

"Should I make something hot for breakfast," you asked, looking up at him. The white lock bounced into his forehead as he nodded with a smile.

"That sounds fantastic," he agreed, "I just quickly want to finish with this side."

He nodded to the side of the shed he had been working on. Because the shed was so small and the polystyrene plates so big (you had shaken your head when he brought them home in summer, but now you were glad he had done that), he had already managed to cover almost half of the wall in just a few minutes.

"Take your time, I'll make tea and heat up some leftovers."

Cherri nodded, bent down and quickly pressed his cold lips against yours before he turned to quickly finish his work.

You shot him a last glace before you moved back into the shed, where you exchanged the blanket for an old, oversized coat, and turned on the little camping stove to prepare something warm to eat and drink.

After breakfast you would help Cherri in his attempt to shield the shed against the cold. The roof might be the most difficult part, you thought to yourself. But Cherri was clever. He would figure something out.

And who knew. Maybe there would be time for a snowball fight afterwards?

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