Brendon Urie x Reader - Sneaky

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: eating disorder, alcohol
count: 3 109
Apart from my (luckily only) short trip into eating disorders, I don't know very much about it. If anyone feels like I made some mistakes, or glorify it in any way, it would be great if you message me so I can change things.

You stood in front of your fridge and scanned the opportunities you had for breakfast. Yoghurt, maybe with some muesli, or rather some fruit? How about cornflakes with milk? Or toast with strawberry jam?

You thought about each option shortly before closing the door to the fridge again, feeling sick. The mere thought of each of the foods made you feel uncomfortable, and a bad taste started to spread in your mouth, down your throat. Maybe you would have lunch later.

Your good resolution of going for lunch was killed by the unattractive menu of the Mensa, and dinner fell victim to the thought that you were not hungry. Your stomach was of a different opinion, but you ignored the grumbling and instead continued working, while the nagging voice in the back of your head started reminding you that your eating-behavior over the day was anything but health.

Much too his concern Brendon soon noticed you skipping out on lunch, and more and more often also on the weekly visit to the pub that your group of friends did every Friday night. What definitely did not sooth his worries either was the weight loss which it did not take him long to notice. And so he started to investigate as carefully as possible. He asked you what you usually ate for breakfast, claiming he was looking for a change in his usual routine and needed some inspiration. Your stuttered answer immediately gave away that you were lying when you told him you ate yoghurt and muesli.

Slowly he started to realize that you really barely ate anything, and that was when he decided that he had to act. His concern for you did not come out of the blue, since he knew you had had troubles with eating disorders before, and that he was totally and head over heels in love with you only encouraged him to make sure you would look after yourself better.


You looked up from the monitor on which you were proof reading a letter, and were met with the big, brown eyes of Brendon who held a tin box with deliciously smelling chocolate cookies.

"Ahm," you hesitated, your fingers still resting on the keys which you had used to scroll down the page.

"They're really good," Brendon insisted, shoving the box further towards you.

The part of your mind that constantly kept you from eating, started reminding you of how much fat and sugar and other unhealthy ingredients were in the baked goods, but the tiny voice in the back of your head, the one that still screamed and protested each time you skipped a meal, started slobbering.

"I'm fine, thanks," you smiled, hoping Brendon would accept your refusal, and leave before you got weak.

"You sure? They're still warm," he tempted, and took one of the cookies from the box, biting into it. A few crumbs fell off the cookie and to the dark carpet that was fitted into the office room.

Before you could even think about it, the tiny voice and its slobbering had taken over.

"Okay, fine. Thank you," you smiled and reached into the box for a cookie.

"Take a few more, I've got enough," Brendon encouraged.

Hesitantly you took a second, and when Brendon just looked at you expectantly, and pushed the box even closer to your keyboard, you took a third cookie.

"I'm gonna leave this here, so just take one whenever you want."

You nodded and watched as Brendon put the box between the computer monitors that stood back to back on the same desk, before he wandered around it and took seat behind his computer again; sending you a dazzling smile as you quickly glanced over at him.

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