Joe Trohman x Reader - Distanced

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Summary: Since Joe started playing in this new band you two have grown distant, so you decide to surprise him by showing up at their first concert
count: 2 196
happy birthday to my friend Emma! Thanks for always chatting with me^-^

You did not want to be that possessive friend who could not deal with their friend moving on to other people. And to be fair, that was not what was happening either. Just because Joe had started playing in a band, and hung out a lot with his bandmates now, practising, writing music, did not mean he did not like you anymore. But you felt left out, left behind, and even though you were happy for Joe, that he had finally found people who appreciated his talent, you still felt sad that you did not get to see him outside of school as often as you used to.

And that you had always had liked him a bit more than a simple friend should, did not make it easier for you.

So you did your best to give him space. Of course you missed the late night chats with him, talking about how school was super stressful, how other friends or classmates were annoying, about the latest gossip about the teachers, or the new releases of your favourite bands. But then again he did not seem to miss it; at least he never initiated any conversations anymore, so you did not either.

What made everything even worse was that it seemed like he did not want to let go either. He had invited you to a few of his band meetings, apologising that he could not find time to spend with you alone, to watch old, crappy movies, like you had done all the time. But his band mates seemed to be irritated by you, maybe it made them nervous that you just watched, without being able to contribute anything. Maybe they just did not like you. So after a couple of afternoons of hanging out with the band, you started declining Joe's offer to tag along, feeling like you were doing everyone a favour if you stayed away.

But the fact that Joe still occasionally asked, made you feel worse, like it was actually you who was pushing him away, and not him who did not have time for you anymore. And you knew that Joe felt bad about it, the same way you did, and that in itself made things worse again.

So after about two months you actually caught yourself wishing that maybe you should just stay away from him completely, make a clean cut, break your own heart and forget about him.

As if he had sensed your decision, Joe started searching contact again. For a while you had gone pretty separate ways, even during break time at school, but all of a sudden he started appearing at your locker again, and when he dropped down next to you during lunch, you felt your heart jump into your throat once again.

"Mashed potatoes are the worst here," he complained, not even bothering to say hello, but you did not mind, you knew he had a hard time with stuff like that, "this isn't food, this is... I don't even know... you could probably use it as cement or something."

You laughed quietly. Oh how much you had missed Joe's stupid commentary about the disgusting mashed potatoes that were served in the school.

"You don't have to eat it, you know," you teased him, ignoring the paper-like taste of the grey mash, and eating a spoon full.

"And starve? Do the school a favour by not terrorizing the teachers anymore? No, thanks." He too laughed and started eating, chewing around on the mashed potatoes. "Yay, yummy."

"Yeah, torture yourself and chew it. Great, well done," you joked sarcastically.

Your bickering continued, and for a few precious minutes it felt like you never had distanced yourself. That was until a somewhat familiar, blonde haired boy turned up. You knew Patrick attended the same school as Joe and you, but before Joe had introduced him to you as his band mate, you had never noticed him. He was shy, quiet, but witty, and not harmless at all when he spoke, even though he looked like an angel.

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