MCR + Reader - Lunch Break

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"If they tell me to 'just swim' one more time, I'll-"

"You'll what?"



"Slam your guitar over their heads?"

Both you and Ray turned to Frank with raised eyebrows.

"That's a tad bit violent, don't you think," you asked him, but Ray shook his head.

"I think, that might actually work," he considered.

"You can't- okay forget it. Frank, we've finally got to teach Ray how to swim properly," you decided.

"Did he almost drown again," Gerard asked, joining the conversation as you walked down the hallways of the high school towards the lunch room.

"He didn't even get in," Frank explained.

"You really are going to drown one day if you don't let us teach you, dude," Gerard frowned in concern.

"I know, I know," Ray sighed, stopping at his locker, "I promise this summer you can teach me all you want, but if I drown in anyone's pool, that's on you."

"We won't let you drown," Mikey promised, scaring all of you. He had the talent of appearing out of nowhere without warning.

"We wouldn't let our lead guitarist drown," you agreed, patting Ray's back, who grinned.

"Yeah, let's hope so," he nodded.

"Cool, now that that's been cleared, can we finally go for lunch? I'm starving," Frank whined.

After Ray had put his heavy geography book into his locker, all of you turned and continued your way to the lunch room, where you picked up your food, and searched for a free table. You found one in a corner, and settled down, while the discussion, as so often these days, circled back to the upcoming band practice. It was hard to find a time where all five of you were free, and this weekend seemed like the perfect opportunity. And since your next show was coming up next month you all got eager to practice more again.

"Okay, okay, guys, but listen, I got news," Gerard eventually interrupted the heated discussion between Frank and Ray, who were talking about how to play the chorus of one of the songs best. "You remember how we discussed going on tour this summer?"

Everyone nodded.

"Yeah, but we also discussed that we'd need a van or something," you reminded him.

"Exactly! And I got news concerning that," Gerard grinned, and Mikey nodded eagerly. The other three band members were curiously listening. "Okay, so, my – our – grandma Elena, she's been to some of our shows, right? So she came over yesterday, and told Mikey and me, well she told us that she's gotten us this old, fucked up van, and she's giving it to the band as a gift, or like an investment, and she wants us to go on tour with it."

There was a moment of stunned silence, everyone processing Gerard's words. Only Gerard and Mikey were sitting there, grinning widely.

Frank was the first one to jump up.

"Fucking hell yes," he cheered, hugging Ray, who also began cheering.

"Oh my god," you could not quite believe what you had just heard, the words sounding too good to be true. And then Frank and Ray hugged you, and you hugged Mikey and Gerard. All of you were cheering and grinning like idiots, so much that the students at the neighboring tables started to send you weird looks, weirder than usual, but neither of you cared.

"We're going on a fucking tour, guys," you laughed breathlessly, and hugged Ray again, who was running his hands through his short cut hair unbelievingly.

"Oh wow," Frank mumbled, and eventually all of you managed to calm back down.

"We've got so much planning to do," Ray suddenly realized, "we need to ask venues to let us play, and we can try to contact people we know in other states and we-"

"We'll do all of that," Gerard agreed, "but not now, later. Now we celebrate." He picked up the tetra pack of apple juice from his tablet, and lifted it into the air as if it was a glass of champagne. Then he waited for all of you to do the same. "To an amazing summer, to an awesome tour and to My Chemical Romance!"

"To My Chemical Romance!" The rest of the band laughed, and you knocked your juice tetra packs against each other, before taking a tiny sip, on which you almost choked from all the laughing.

After lunch you had just two more classes but neither of you was able to pay attention. Instead Ray started to make a list of cities he definitely wanted to visit along the tour, quietly explaining to everyone what was so special to him about each and every one of them. Frank had somehow started to write a new song somewhere in between his notes for philosophy, and Mikey and Gerard stuck their heads together whenever the teacher was not looking, to design a logo to paint on the van.

You just sat in the middle of it all, and grinned to yourself, knowing this summer would be without a doubt the best one so far.

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