Gerard Way x Reader - The Perfect Halloween Look

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Summary: You are attending the college Halloween party, not sure where you are standing with your friend Gerard, when he asks you to do his make up
Reader: should be gender neutral (no pronouns used, Reader wears a dress and a hairband as a custume)
Word count
: 4 177

With furrowed brows you looked at your reflection in the mirror. For the past thirty minutes you had worked on your face paint for the college Halloween party. You planned on going as a dead cheerleader, already dressed in the short, red and white dress, which you had splattered with fake blood. You had applied a thin layer of white make-up all the way down your neck, giving your natural skin colour a sickly touch. Your eyes and hollows of the cheeks were powdered with black, green and blue eye shadow, making them look fallen in. All in all, you really did not look very healthy anymore. Maybe it was a bit too much though, not natural looking.

But who cared? This was not costume make-up for a realistic movie but for a college party. Nobody would care if it was a bit too much. It looked good.

You just hoped Gerard would think so too.

Gerard and you had been friends since your first year in college and had somehow ended up sitting next to each other in almost every class you took. You knew he loved dressing up and playing around with make-up, but much to your surprise he had been rather hesitant about answering your questions as what he wanted to dress up this Halloween until he had finally confessed that he just didn't feel like dressing up at all. You had offered to help him with a bit of spooky face paint if he wanted, but he had turned down your offer.

Honestly, you did not have a lot of experience with make-up at all, but you had worked out some techniques by now, and any excuse to spend more time with Gerard alone was good enough. The way he had rejected your offer had just sounded a bit too annoyed for your taste, and now you were not sure if he even wanted to hang out with you at the party at all.

It was fine, you told yourself, as you applied a bit of blue eyeliner as lipstick, coating it with lip-gloss, and contemplated the result. You had other friends to spend the evening with, other friends who you could laugh and have a good time with.

But the truth was that it was not fine. None of them understood you quite as Gerard did, none of them made you feel as accepted, as noticed as Gerard. Your heart ached at the thought of him maybe not wanting to hang out with you. You had known for a while that you had developed a crush on the cute artist.

The way he was so passionate about his projects, be it for art school, comics, or music was enthralling and contagious. The way he talked about certain topics, you could just relate to him. And maybe that was what had prompted him to be more open with you recently. He had begun talking about more personal stuff recently, stuff you really hadn't expect him to ever share with you. But maybe he had felt the same, and instead of feeling good about having confided in you, he had pulled away, drawn back.

Or maybe he had noticed you liked him and tried distancing himself in order for you to not get your hopes up.

Either way: his behaviour these past weeks made your stomach churn. With a sigh you grabbed the small tube with fake blood and slipped it into the box with the rest of the make-up which you planned on taking along to the party since you had offered a few girls from your class to do some low effort face paint for them. More white powder, black, green and blue eyeshadow, black lipstick and the fake blood should be enough. But you didn't dare bringing up your hopes that maybe Gerard would ask you to do his make-up.


You were one of the first people to arrive at the party. It was held in one of the college buildings, a whole corridor of classrooms unlocked with each room offering different activities. One room had mostly snacks and drinks, one karaoke, and one even beer pong, even though the party was rather small and intimate, since it was only off your department at college. That meant about fifty people max, plus maybe a few friends and acquaintances. It also meant that you knew almost everyone there, and as soon as you had stepped foot into the building you got pulled into conversations.

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