Nicole Row x Reader - Ice Cream Kisses

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You manage to befriend your crush Nicole, or is it more than just friendship?
count: 2 268
I suck at summaries, why did I decide to do it anyway?

You did not even know how to describe her, it seemed as if there were no words that did justice to Nicole. 'Beautiful' was too ordinary, 'stunning' sounded too hard, 'hot' too objectifying, 'perfect' was to uncreative, 'breathtaking' too complicated. To you, the girl with the long, flowing golden hair and the beaming green eyes was of otherworldly beauty, and maybe someone like Shakespeare would have managed to conserve her appearance and character in an elegant combination of words, but not you. In fact, whenever you were talking about her, it was more incoherent babbling than anything else.

"And you know, she just... argh, she did this smile where like... you know? Where the whole face lights up, and you feel really warm and all... and-"

"I get it, I get it," you best friend Brendon laughed "she smiled at you."

"Yes, but like... not just smiled, more like smiled smiled. Like... beamed? Like a spotlight that was just directed at me?"

Brendon giggled and pushed himself up on his elbows, sitting up on the soft carpet on the floor of your room.

"Why don't you just go and tell her," he asked, "I'm pretty sure she likes you back."

"I can't do that," you immediately protested, but your heart was beating harder in your chest at the thought. "She's one of the cool kids, and she could never ever ever ever fancy me in even the slightest!"

Brendon shook his head in disagreement and clicked the pen, which he had picked up from the floor, a few times.

"I just think she's shy. Maybe you should try and talk to her for a change."


Brendon was not wrong, technically.

And you hated it.

Normally talking to someone was not very difficult, right? 'Hey have you read that book for English Literature already? Me neither!' 'Mr. Simpson was in a mood today, don't you think?' 'Have you heard about the new rule on not eating in the corridors? Ridiculous, right?'

But when it came to Nicole, it seemed more realistic to win a Nobel Prize in Physics than to start a conversation with her that would not end with you dying of shame.

You had just taken your seat in the back of the classroom, and pulled out your books, when you noticed the golden glimmer of long, blonde hair from the corner of your eyes. No matter how hard you tried not to look into her direction, you couldn't help but watch her walk over to her desk, where two girls were already sitting.

You had always assumed the three were friends, but watching their body language and the way Nicole threw her hands in the air in annoyance suddenly made you doubt that. You felt bad for Nicole, and angry at the girls, as she turned around, away from the two, a frown on her face, her eyes searching the room in what almost resembled desperation. When her eyes flickered into your direction, you quickly lowered your head, and pretended to be searching for something in your bag.

"Is this seat taken?"

Nicole's soft voice always sent butterflies straight to your belly, but hearing it directed at you almost gave you a heart attack. Slowly you looked up to the beautiful student standing in front of you. Her eyes looked sad, and the fingers which she had wrapped around her books, were turning white from gripping them so tightly.

"Sure, please sit down," you offered, gesturing to the empty chair next to yours, surprised by how calm your voice was.

Shyly she smiled and pulled the chair out, placed the books she had been holding on the table, and sat down. For a moment she kept her head lowered, trying to collect her thoughts, but then she quickly looked up, straight at you.

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