Dallon Weekes x Reader - Caffeine

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Happy birthday to an amazing fellow writer! Everyone go over to robinrunsfiction on tumbrl and wish her a happy birthday! The poor girl is the one I go to when I want to read something that I don't want to write myself ;)

With every ringing of the bell above the door, Dallon's eyes shot over, checking who was entering. He knew it was too early for you to come by, and you were always on time, but he could never help but hope. He was just done preparing a big cappuccino for one of the customers, adding the cocoa power, when the small bell chimed again, and sure enough, as his eyes flickered over to the door this time, he spotted you slipping into the shop.

An involuntary grin made itself onto his face as he handed the cappuccino to the lady who had ordered it, and received the money. And then there you were, next in line. As always you had circles under your eyes, your hair was dishevelled after a long day at work, probably because you had run your hands through it countless times.

It was just after 5pm, you had left the office exactly at five, as Dallon knew, and then, every day, like clockwork, you came over the street into the small shop. And not only once a day. Originally Dallon had gotten to know you from his morning shift, but when he found out that you came in after work as well, he had started preferring the afternoon shifts, since they allowed him more time to talk to you, after all, you had nowhere to be.

Expectantly, hoping your absentminded gaze would finally drift back into reality, he bounced on his heels, and his happy smile faltered a little, as he took your state in. You looked pale, a little as if you were sick. Even during the most stressful times you always had a glow in your eyes, but that was nowhere to find today, and your fingers played around with the hem of your thin jacked.

"Dallon to (y/n)," he eventually asked, snapping you out of your mindless gazing.

Surprised you widened your eyes at the realisation that it was your turn to order, but luckily there was no one behind you who could have gotten impatient.

"Hi," you whispered with a tired smile, but it was honest.

Your smile was always honest when it came to Dallon. How couldn't it be?

"Hi," he greeted back, placing his hands on the counter, and leaning on them. The action brought him a little closer to you, and honestly, every inch that did not separate you from him was gold.

"The usual, I guess," you finally remembered to order, Dallon smile having thrown you off temporarily.

"The usual it is," Dallon nodded, and pushed himself away from the counter, starting to prepare the hot beverage.

In the meantime you moved to sit on one of the bar chairs at the counter. It was your favourite spot to sit at, since you could overlook the entire café. The door was within your view, and so were all the tables, in the summer the fan, and in the winter the heater, were pretty close, and you were able to talk to Dallon.

When he strode back to you, carefully balancing the cup of hot coffee, he glanced at you worriedly.

"Bad day," he asked, putting the cup down in front of you.

You just huffed, and happily picked up the mug, wrapping your cold finger around it. But as you should have known, Dallon was pretty insistent. He looked at you, until you eventually started talking. Damn that man, he was better than any therapist.

"Couldn't sleep last night, and then we had this really stupid meeting in the morning, and I was just super fidgety all the time," you explained, "which was horror by the way. And then my boss came with about fifty impossible requests, what I have to do, and I just don't even know where to start."

Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن