Drabbles Challange: Dallon Weekes x Reader

778 26 12

Prompt 1: "The skirt is supposed to be this short."
count: 613

Looking yourself over in the mirror, you grinned and smoothed out a crease in the fabric of the blue dress. For months you had been looking forward to finally be able to put it on officially, and now the day had come.

To most people it seemed like a strange fascination that you loved attending comic conventions, but to you it was better than any holiday you could ever imagine. Between people dressed up as aliens or superheroes, anime characters and monsters, you felt at home, knowing that you all shared at least one thing: the love for stories created by other people.

When you had found out that the man, Dallon, who you had started dating, was as obsessed with Doctor Who as you were, you had immediately known that you two would have to go to a convention at some point, and now, almost an entire year later, you had finally managed to find one where both of you had time.

With nervous fingers you adjusted the pin on your chest, the one with the star fleet insignia, which showed that you belonged to the science department of the fleet. Or rather, that you would belong to the science department of the star fleet, if Star Trek and its universe had been real.

The handle of the door to the bathroom moved, and Dallon stepped out. He looked dashing in the brown suit jacket, the light button up shirt, and the dark trousers. A red bowtie was around his neck, and suspenders of the same colour peeked out from under the jacket. He was wearing a fez, which made his brown hair stand away from his head at the sides, where the fez was pushing towards his ears, and you couldn't help but think that even though Matt Smith, who played the Doctor, and happened to be Dallon's favourite doctor, as his cosplay clearly stated, was an attractive lad, you definitely preferred Dallon in every way.

"Whoa," he whispered as he spotted you, standing in front of the mirror, his eyes scanning you reverent.

"I could say the same thing about you," you winked and walked over to him, hooking your fingers into the suspenders to pull him in for a quick kiss.

"Uhm, don't you think the skirt is a little too short," Dallon asked carefully, his eyes nervously flickering to how much of your thighs was exposed, "I mean, not that I'm complaining, but you know how clingy I get when I notice other guys eying you."

You looked up at him, your fingers playing with the red bowtie around his neck.

"You saw TOS, the skirt is supposed to be this short," you reminded him, "It wouldn't be an Enterprise cosplay if it wasn't."

"Hm," Dallon nodded thoughtfully, one of his hands drawing little circles into the back of your neck, careful not to destroy the 60's hairdo you had spent ages on perfecting, "well, I suppose... as long as you don't elope with some Star Fleet Officer..."

"Only as long as you don't elope with some River Song," you immediately shot back at him, making him grin fondly.

"Don't need to, I already got one," he mumbled before pressing a soft, but passionate, kiss to your lips.

He was about to walk you backwards to the bed, when you pulled away.

"As much as I would love to seduce you, Doctor, I'm afraid we'll have to leave. Because I really want to see the panel with Nichelle Nichols," you whined, tucking at his jacket, and nodding towards the door.

"Oh shit, you're right," Dallon remembered, "I'll just grab my sonic, and you can lead the way, Lieutenant."

Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora