Ryan Seaman x Reader - No Courage

397 19 12

Summary: Dallon insisted on throwing Ryan's birthday party at the Weeke's place, when all Ryan really wanted was to spend some time with you
Reader: female? idk, no pronouns i think...
Warnings: alcohol consumption
Word count: 5 031
A/N: as promised and several days late: the Ryan Seaman birthday story. Also can someone tell me what's up with me writing for a Ryan, the story being 4000+ words and the couple ending up cuddling on a sofa? I just think it's perfect.

Ryan was not entirely convinced by the idea to celebrate his birthday at Dallon's house. He kept insisting that since it was his birthday, you all should celebrate at his place, mainly because secretly he had hoped for a calm evening with some of his closest friends, who he could discreetly ask to leave around midnight in order to get some extra time just alone with you. Because let's be honest: every time you were invited over to his place, you stayed and helped clean up. Even though he probably would not manage to be honest enough with you to tell you why exactly he loved having you over so much, he would still have you all to himself for a little while longer.

But now this plan had been foiled by Dallon, who had decided Ryan's birthday should best be celebrated at his house. Sadly, Dallon's arguments were better than Ryan's. The Weekes' living room was huge and offered lots of space for many people, way more people than would have fit into Ryan's entire flat, and this way it had been possible to invite a lot more of his friends. Also, since the house was separated from the neighbouring houses by the garden that framed the property, they would be able to turn up the music as loud and for as long as they liked, whereas in Ryan's flat they would need to be quiet after ten pm.

Eventually Ryan had given into Dallon's plan, allowing Dallon to throw the birthday party for him. And so he ended up in the passenger seat of Dallon's car, at the evening of his birthday, with you in the backseat, as he got picked up for his own party. Dallon was focusing on the street, some quiet music flowing from the speakers as the lights of the city passed by outside. He smiled as you leant forward, poking your head to the front between Dallon's and Ryan's seats, and pointed to one of the buildings that was coming closer, randomly dropping a fact about the building's history.

Just a few minutes later Dallon pulled into the driveway of his home. Since it was already dark outside, you saw colourful lights skipping around inside, reminding you Dallon had spent almost the entire morning installing some party lights at the ceiling. A balloon was stuck to the front door.

In the house a lot of people already waited for Ryan to finally arrive. He was welcomed with cheers and hugs, and Awsten insisted all of you needed to sing "Happy Birthday". After Dallon and Breezy had made sure everyone had drinks in their hands, and knew where the buffet was, people started spreading around the huge living room and the kitchen.

While you knew most of Ryan's friends, you were not really close with any of them other than Dallon, Awsten and Josh. But as your luck wanted, they were all busy talking to someone already, so you snuck to your favourite armchair in the Weekes' household, and sat down at the edge of the crowd, watching them.

You had never really minded being the one at the side lines. From the people in the room, you were one of the few who was not a musician or in a relationship with one. Sometimes meeting with all of them felt like stepping into an entirely different world. Occasionally it made you lonely, because you felt left out, but at the same time you knew you were basically Ryan's best friend, and even if that did not allow you to be as close to him as you would have liked, it was still a huge honour. Even if it meant receiving phone calls from him at 2am, waking you up, in order to talk to you about music or whatever was on his mind.

You looked across the room, where Ryan was playfully boxing someone in the arm. His hair had grown longer over the past months, as long as it had not been in years. He had absolutely no right to look as soft as he did right now. Brown strands were falling in his face, and his eyes were squeezed together from smiling so hard. You absolutely loved seeing him this cheerful and carefree, so you allowed yourself to watch him a moment longer.

Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora