Drabbles Challenge: Mikey Way x Reader

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Prompt 148: "Why do you only kiss me when I'm sleeping?"
count: 714

The sun was burning down mercilessly onto the tour bus that you were trying to take a nap in. Warped Tour was exhausting, and last night you had barely slept, instead having wasted the time away by joking around with Mikey and Frank.

Now you were laying spread out on one of the small sofas, hoping to catch some much needed sleep. Your eyes were closed tightly, and your nose nuzzled into the cushion that smelled like a strange mixture of the pepper crisps from last night and the cigarettes Gerard smoked, probably because the smell always hung in his clothes.

The door to the bus opened, but you did not bother to open your eyes, knowing exactly that the hesitant steps, the short stopping, when he saw you presumably asleep, and the calm rustling of clothes, belonged to nobody other than Mikey.

Your heart leapt to your throat, as it always did at the mere thought of the young bassist. From the first moment on he had drawn you in, the little awkwardness, the shyness around you, the unruly brown hair, and the hazel eyes that were framed by black rimmed glasses.

You heard him step from one foot to the other for a moment, before he very quietly and very slowly walked over to where you were lying on the couch.

You knew what he was up to, he had done this before, but of course he did not know that you knew. When he had reached you, he knelt down next to you and mumbled something so quietly that you could not understand it. A moment later his rough fingertips ghosted sweetly over the side of your face, brushing a strand of hair away from your cheeks.

You kept your eyes closed, not letting on that, unlike he believed, you were not asleep. After a few seconds he bent down and pressed his lips against your temple. The first time he had done that, you had been so surprised that you almost would have jumped up, but over the past couple of days you had gotten used to this little gesture of affection.

Pulling back, he stood up again, and turned away, walking towards the back of the bus when you called out his name. Having your eyes opened, you saw how he stumbled in his steps, and whipped around, his eyes widened comically, a blush racing into his cheeks.

"Why do you only kiss me when I'm sleeping," you asked, watching his blush intensify.

"What," he just stammered out.

"You've done this before, when you think I'm asleep," you reminded him, sitting up.

Mikey just stood there, shell-shocked.

"I'm not mad, don't worry," you giggled at the terrified expression on his face.


"No, if I were, why should I have let you do it? It's my favourite part of the day," you admitted.

After all, if he felt embarrassed then you could also reveal something embarrassing yourself.

"I-" Mikey seemed to be thinking really hard for a moment, the expression of horror slowly leaving his features and getting replaced by curiosity, "So if I did this-"

He slowly walked back over to the sofa, and sat down next to you, careful to watch every tiniest movement, ready to give you more space should you show any sign of discomfort. Slowly as not to startle you, he placed one of his warm hands at the side of your face, and gently pulled you in, until his lips were brushing against yours, just as you had imagined for the longest time.

The kiss was rudely interrupted by Frank storming in. He shot the two of you a glance, and walked to the bunk beds, probably to grab a towel since he was dripping wet from what you assumed had been a water battle outside. Looking over his shoulder he shouted: "Get a room, you two!"

Embarrassedly you pulled away, feeling yourself blush at having been caught in such an intimate moment. Mikey on the other hand reacted nothing like you had expected him too.

"Shut the fuck up," he shouted instead towards the back, where you heard Frank rummaging through his things.

And before you even had the time to comprehend what had happened, he pulled you in for another kiss.

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