Pete Wentz x Reader - Worth It

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: pretty violent mosh pit, pain, minor injuries
count: 2 214
I don't know if you're even allowed to take crutches into venues, but for the stories sake let's assume you are.

You figured it had been a bad idea to go to a concert while you were bound to crutches because of your broken ankle. But you had also figured that if you stayed at the very edge of the crowd, you would have no problems. And in fact everything went fine until about three quarters through.

So far you had sung along to all the songs, and because the venue was not very big, and you pretty far in the front, you even thought you had seen the bassist glance over to you a couple of times. You had been a fan of Fall Out Boy since you had first listened to one of their songs on the local radio station, and when you had read they were coming to your hometown, you had immediately gotten a ticket. That had before you had broken your ankle, but that did not stop you from going.

Now you were safely situated at the edge of the crowd, wondering if the wink and the smile Pete had just shot over to the side had been directed at you or someone else, when the next song picked up. It was fast and upbeat, and within seconds a circle pit started forming in the centre of the venue. You were no big fan of pits, always scared you might get crushed between the bodies of these people who were all so much taller than you.

Of course you did not mind others doing these pits, as long as you were left out. But now the pit grew and grew, and just when you decided it was time to hopple off into a saver area, someone got pushed out of the pit, and stumbled against you. You almost lost your balance, and let go of one of the crutches out of reflex. The person either did not notice, or did not care that you tried to escape, because the next thing you knew was that you were being grabbed by the shoulders, and got flung right into the pit.

Heavy, sweaty bodies bumped into you, and you lost orientation almost immediately. Fighting to get to the edge of the pit again failed terribly, and instead you got sucked deeper into it, losing your second crutch in the process. Maybe if you tried to stand still people would notice something was wrong, and for a precious second it worked. Then some tall, clawed in leather, heavy man got thrown into you, making you lose balance immediately, and causing you to fall to the ground. For a split second you could see his panicking glance as he tried to find you in the mess of bodies, he already reached out his hand for you, but then someone else bumped into him, and he disappeared from your line of vision.

Someone fell over you, kicking you in the stomach. Pain shot through you, and you curled together, hoping to somehow, somehow get out of this alive. A kick to the head as another person fell over you, and then a shoe hit you in the back. You covered your head with your arms, curling together as tightly as possible, hoping this nightmare would end.

On the stage, Pete had winked at you and smiled, before the song had kicked off. A mosh pit had started forming, making him laugh. He knew Patrick was no fan of mosh pits, but he loved it when the fans went crazy to their music. That was until he spotted your face in the middle of the pit, obviously panicking.

Pete got distracted immediately, messing up his playing, but he did not care. Worriedly he watched, hoping, praying you would get out of the pit before anything happened, but then you got pushed to the ground, and disappeared. That was it. Pete needed to do something.

Jumping forwards he grabbed his microphone.

"Everyone stop! Stop! Stand still! No one moves!"

Confused his band mates stopped the music, and slowly the people in the crowd calmed down too.

"Someone got sucked into the pit, a young woman, she fell! Can we please pick her up?"

From the corner of his eyes he saw how two of the roadies who helped with the tour jumped off the stage, and quickly made their way to the centre of the crowd to where Pete was pointing. The fans in front of the stage quickly checked the floor for you, and the ones closest to you helped you stand up. It was obvious that the short amount of time in the pit had already done enough damage, as Pete realised with a sting in his heart. The two roadies quickly talked to you, before one wrapped his arm around your waist, and helped you to the back stage area, where they would check you for injuries.

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