Dallon Weekes x Reader - Drabble

542 28 2

Word count: 544

Tiredly you sat down on the sofa, sinking into the soft cushions. If only they could swallow you whole so you would not have to deal with what the next week would bring. It was Sunday evening and while other people had used the two days off to meet with friends, or relax, you had worked the entire time on the presentation you would have to give tomorrow. Of course you would have done it before the weekend, had it not been for your boss, who had told you about it on Friday evening as you were leaving the office. So in conclusion this meant that after the exhausting week behind you, not only exhausting because of the work, but also the cold you had been fighting, you had worked all through the weekend, and had gotten no break before the next week came crashing in, and at this point you did not know you would manage to make it through this week.

But you were not the only one unhappy about it. Your boyfriend Dallon had secretly waited the entire weekend to spend some time with you, but only now you seemed to have gotten away from your computer. He knew you were stressed, and the way you were burying your face in your hands told him you needed some comfort.

Quietly he walked over and sat down next to you. You did not need an invitation to lean against him, burying your face in his shoulder, and deeply inhaling his familiar and calming scent. With a sad smile he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer. The warmth that was seeping through his clothes made you relax and sleepy. Honestly, you were so tired you could fall asleep on the spot. But finally getting some cuddles from Dallon was too good to just give in to sleep.

After a while Dallon shifted to lay down, his head resting on the armrest of the sofa, and you followed his movement, lying down next to him, your arm draped over his torso, and your legs tangled with his. Sighing deeply, you buried your nose into his shirt, and he gently nudged your hair with his cheek.

"Sorry I didn't spend the weekend with you as planned," you apologized, and once again felt tears threatening to spill.

"It's fine. What bugs me more is the fact of how stressed out you are. And you're still not really over that cold from last week," Dallon worried.

His chest vibrated under your head as he spoke, making you close your eyes. You nodded.

"I know, I just... I don't really have a choice," you tried to explain.

Dallon was quiet for a moment. He knew how much pressure you were under.

"Maybe you can take a day off on Tuesday, go to the doctor, and say you're still not well, and get some sick leave so you can recover from the cold and the stress alike."

You took a deep breath, considering his suggestion.

"I might do that, yeah," you agreed, and hugged Dallon tighter.

Knowing you did not want to talk about it any further, he wrapped his arms around you, and kissed your hair.

A couple of minutes later you had fallen asleep.

Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ