Frank Iero x Reader - Serenade

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Request: Hey could I request Trish? Frank Oreo asks reader to prom. Really fluffly and Funny maybe cringey? Idk
: super cheesy, somewhat cringey maybe? I think it's cringey a little. In a sweet way.
count: 1 831

"Proms suck."

"Yesterday you sounded a lot more enthusiastic about it," Gerard giggled over his lunch.

"Yesterday I didn't consider that (y/n) might say no," Frank exclaimed.

"They won't, don't worry," Mikey shrugged.

It was a not very well kept secret that Frank was terribly in love with you, and it was an equally bad kept secret that you were just as much in love with him too. The only people doubting that? The two of you. Frank thought someone as clever and pretty as you could never be in love with him, and you were convinced someone as talented and badass as him would never be interested in someone as ordinary as you. So both of you thought the stories the other students were telling you were just made up lies.

"You don't know that," Frank whined, unhappily staring at his pasta.

"Yeah, well, I think we do, but if it would make you feel any better, we could help you make a plan," Gerard offered, not at all worried, unlike Frank.

"What kind of plan," he now perked up.

"Dude, how am I supposed to know? I read comics and watch old horror movies all day long, I don't know anything about being romantic," Gerard shrugged, "we'll just make something up."

"Shush now, they're coming over," Mikey warned, just in time, pointing out that you were walking up to your group of friends.

"Does anyone want to exchange their chocolate pudding for vanilla," you asked, sitting down next to Frank, who quickly exchanged your little cup with dessert with his.


It was still a week until prom, when finally the plan the three friends were working on, got finished. Frank had started to panic already, because how small would the chance be that you did not have a date yet? He even had heard other boys talking about asking you to prom, but when he had talked to you this morning, you had told him that you did not have anyone to go with. And so he slipped the red rose with the little note into your locker.

After the first two classes, you returned to your locker to pick up the books for the next class, but instead of your books, a red flower fell out of it. Surprised you managed to catch the rose before it tumbled to the ground. Curiously you unfolded the typewriter written note that was tied to the stem of it.

"Dear (y/n), I don't want to reveal my name just yet, but I thought you looked very pretty today, I hope you have a great day."

Confused you raised your eyebrows and glanced left and right down the corridor. The usual students were walking past, nobody paying you especially attention, except for Gerard who waved over from the other side of the corridor.

"What's this," he asked curiously, knowing very well that you had just found Frank's first gift.

"I don't know," you furrowed your eyebrows, showing Gerard the note, "someone hitting on me?"

"Aw, (y/n), that's cute," he smiled, but it froze on his face as he saw that instead of being happy you still looked confused.

"I don't want it," you mumbled quietly, only for him to hear.

Yes, you were flattered, but you did not want anyone to be interested in you, if they were not Frank.

"What, why not," shocked Gerard pulled you aside.

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