Ryan Ross x Reader - Crêpes

925 26 9

Warnings: pure FLUFF
count: 2 917
Guess who (almost) forgot it was Ryan's birthday again! Me! And yet I managed to write something in time... puh.

Ryan and you had been dating for a couple of weeks only when your friend Z, who had introduced you to each other, secretly told you it would be his birthday soon. For a while you had been nervous about it, not sure, what you wanted to get him. After all you were dating, but not long enough that you had a proper idea of what he might want for his birthday.

From the beginning on you had known that it could not just be something ordinary, so with the help of Z, you had spent an afternoon raiding every small store and boutique for things to spark your ideas, and in the end you had found an old, second hand, but in fantastic condition edition of his favourite novel, and an enamel pin for the vest he loved to wear.

Now you were standing in front of his door, nervously stepping from one foot to the other. It was Friday morning, and even though the blinds on the ground floor were not closed, those on the second floor, where his bedroom was located, were. So, was he still asleep? Had he forgotten to pull back the blinds when he had gotten up?

With your elbow you pushed back the bag that was slung over your shoulder, and contained the two presents, while you were holding a box with the home made muffins. You had spent way too long on decorating the four little cakes, making each one of them into their own piece of art.

With a sigh you threw a quick glance at your watch. Maybe Ryan really was still asleep, so you definitely would not ring, in order not to wake him. It probably would be best if you would come back around noon. After all you were supposed to go out together with him and his friends for lunch.

You had turned around and walked back towards your car, when suddenly a window opened behind you.


Quickly you turned around, seeing how Ryan was poking his head through the bathroom window on the second floor. He was wearing a white shirt, and his brown locks were a wet, dishevelled mess on his head; he must have been showering.

"Hey," you greeted, suddenly feeling embarrassed that he had caught you sneaking away.

"What're you doing here? I thought we were only meeting for lunch," he asked, reaching for a towel, which he used to rub his hair dry.

"I wanted to surprise you," you admitted, holding up the box with the muffins, "happy birthday."

Ryan's eyes grew wide, and a smile spread over his face.

"How did you know," he asked, leaning against the window still, obviously flattered.

"Z may have told you," you laughed, making him grin.

"Sounds like her," he giggled, "I'm letting you in, wait a sec."

He disappeared from the window, and you quickly walked back to the front door which jumped open only seconds later.

"Hey there," he whispered, wrapping you in a warm hug.

His hair was still moist, and so was his skin. He smelled of the shampoo which you found yourself liking more and more with every time you smelled it on him.

"I got something for you," you told him, once he had pulled you through the door.

Ellwod and Dottie came running down the stairs to welcome you as well, and you quickly patted their heads before you set down the box with the muffins on a side board, and reached for the wrapped book and the pin in your bag, handing both little packages to him.

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