Drabbles Challange: Lynz x Reader

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Prompt 95: "You're cute when you're all worried."
: twisted ankle
count: 664

Lazily you sat up on the sofa when you heard the front door fall in its lock. It was late; way past midnight, but you had decided to stay up to wait for your girlfriend, who had been playing a concert tonight. Lynz had assured you that it was okay to stay home, after all you were still recovering from a bad cold, which had bound you to the bed the entire last week, and she did not want you to exhaust yourself too much, knowing that you loved the band's music, and would only jump around and dance along without any care for your health.

So while she had played a rock show, you had stayed on the sofa, sipping sweet tea, reading, and petting the cat.

As strange of a couple as the two of you seemed at times, you completed each other perfectly. She was the outgoing, bright colours wearing musician, who made her money by playing in a rock band and had tattoos on both of her arms, while you were the quiet one, preferring to dress in earthy tones, and working as an author from home.

It had taken you a while in the beginning to believe that she was serious about you. You had had troubles understanding how someone with such an exciting live would be able to stand a quiet life like yours, but by now you knew Lynz loved the peace and serenity your mere presence provided. In return she had worried you might feel disturbed by her cheerful personality, that you needed more quiet than she was able to give you, but you loved it, when she suggested going out, watching weird movies, going to conventions, concerts, art galleries... you loved it. And you loved her.

"Hello darling," you greeted her, even though you couldn't see her yet, "how was the show?"

"It was great," she answered from the hallway, but instead of coming into the living room, you heard her move towards the kitchen, where she opened the fridge.

"How are they guys," you asked, feeling a little guilty because you had not seen them in a while.

"They're good, all sending their love," she replied, "do you want anything from the kitchen?"

"No thanks, I'm fine," you told her, impatiently waiting for her to come to the living room.

But when she did, it was not how you had hoped. Instead of striding in comfortably, holding a bottle of soda, she limped over to you, carrying a bag of ice.

"Oh my god, what happened," you cried out, immediately jumping up from your spot to make place for her to lie down.

"Don't worry, it's nothing," she smiled and leant into the cushions.

"It's not nothing; you're limping!"

"Calm down, I just twisted my ankle," she laughed quietly, crossing her injured foot over her knee to press the ice against it.

"Why, what did you do," you kept asking, pushing her to lie down, and carefully lifted her feet to the sofa, elevating the injured one with a pillow.

"I jumped off a speaker," she admitted, her black eyes following your every move.

"Off a speaker, Lynz, you could've broken your foot!"

Mercilessly you pulled the bag of ice out of her hands, before pressing it against her ankle yourself.

"It's not as bad as you make it up to be," she insisted, but you just shook your head.

"This is unbelievable, why are you always so reckless?"

"Maybe because I like seeing you turning all nurse on me," she joked, making you roll your eyes.

"Oh yeah, that must be the reason" you mumbled sourly.

"Yeah, you're cute when you're all worried."

You lifted your head to meet her eyes. She was grinning widely. The pain definitely couldn't be that bad if she still flirted with you like this.

"I hate you," you mumbled, and leant in to give her lips a sweet kiss, "and now lay down, I'll get some bandages."

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