Drabbles Challange: Dallon Weekes x Reader

631 24 4

Prompt 7: "Everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy."
count: 746
There are the last Drabbles from last weeks Drabble Challange. I just forgot to post them on here as well :/

This was bullshit. How the hell were you supposed to ever sort your emotions out, when there were so obvious differences between what you rationally knew and what your heart told you. Being the assistant for the band Panic! at the Disco, you had worked with Brendon and Dallon closely for several years already.

That you were totally in love with Dallon was an open secret, and it was almost a miracle that Dallon himself had not told you off yet. When you had told Brendon about it, intending to keep it between the two of you, you had just needed someone to talk to, but drunken Brendon was too excited to keep it to himself the next evening; and slowly but surely everyone in the crew had learned about it one way or the other. And Dallon was most likely no exception.

The only consolation was that nobody openly asked you about it, but you could tell by their laughs, little hints in their words, or when they made sure to pair you up with Dallon for a task, that they knew.

Apart from the fact that this sucked a lot, it would have been fine. But then during the first weeks of this tour, Brendon and all the other guys continued mentioning weird things about Dallon. None of it made any sense to you, especially because what they said sounded nothing like the Dallon you knew. You had assumed it to be a joke in the beginning, but by now you were seriously insecure about what you thought to know about Dallon. And of course that influenced your behaviour towards him.

Mainly you started to avoid him, even though you were not even really aware that you were doing it.

Needless to say that Dallon, who had finally started to tell himself that after all there might be a chance that you could like him the way he liked you, was upset and confused about this, but most of all he was hurt.

So when he finally found himself alone with you for a couple of minutes, he took together all his courage, and decided to ask you about it.

"I'm not avoiding you," you replied irritated at his question, but he shook his head.

"You're always out of the room as soon as I enter, we haven't really talked properly once in the four weeks we've been on the road, and you don't even look me in the eyes when we're talking. You're doing it right now!"

Embarrassedly you realised that he was right.

"I didn't mean to," you mumbled, trying to ignore the inquiring look Dallon was giving you.

"Then what's going on?"

You hesitated for a moment, before eventually settling for the truth. Dallon would know anyway if you would lie to him.

"The others 've said a few things, and I just don't know what to think anymore," you admitted.

"What've they said," Dallon asked immediately, making you shrug.

"Stupid stuff... everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy."

You could literally hear the thoughts in his head trying to puzzle everything together until it suddenly clicked, and he groaned.

"Oh no," he sighted and giggled, "It's stupid running joke, it's from a movie that we've seen all together two days before tour took off. You weren't there 'cause you were still trying to cure that cold you had, remember? One of the bad guys in the movie looked almost exactly like me, and they kept saying that this was really my hidden, true personality."

Surprised you looked up at him.

"That's it?"

"Let me guess, they said I had a wife and a baby, but the baby died because it accidently ate my weed, and my wife was run over by a guy who I owned money to from gambling?"

You nodded wordlessly. How could you have been this stupid?

"Okay, you can officially consider me the stupidest person on this planet," you laughed relieved.

"Don't worry, I won't," Dallon smiled, stepping closer towards you so he was right in front of you, "Just please, ask next time someone tells you I dealt crack in high school."

Laughing you shook your head, leaning your forehead against Dallon's shoulder as if was the most natural thing in the world.

"Sooo, now that this problem is solved, would you like to go out some time?"

Surprised you looked up at Dallon, who was looking down on you admiringly.

"I'd love to."

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