Patrick Stump x Reader - Cancelled Scene

669 20 2

actress (female)
: fake blood, fake screams, all that Young Blood Chronicle stuff, you know?
count: 1 660

The cold material of the scissors felt weird and slippery in your hands, the sticky substance of the fake blood almost making them slip out of your fingers when you tried to cut through the thin material of the t-shirt the singer was wearing. Patrick was strapped to a table, writhing, while pretending to sing along to the music in the background. Honestly it almost scared you a bit, having a pair of scissors so close to his face while he was throwing around. But you had to pretend not to care, and so you did. As soon as the sequence was finished, someone yelled "cut".

You stepped back from the table, and Patrick relaxed along with the other actresses on set. It had been mere luck that you had gotten a role in the new music videos Fall Out Boy were shooting for their upcoming album "Save Rock and Roll". You had been a fan of their music for almost ten years now, being just a little younger than Patrick and Joe, and when your agent had told you that you had gotten the little role as one of the antagonists in the videos, you had been extremely excited.

Now, that you had already spent a couple of days working with everyone, the initiate excitement had luckily died down, enabling you to focus more on your work. But that did not mean that you did not get butterflies in your stomach, when you had to work with Patrick. Admittedly, back before the break Fall Out Boy had taken, you had never really paid extra much attention to the blond man. Of course you had known who he was, and god forbid anyone would have forgotten to list him as a member, but since the first meeting with everyone to discuss the process of shooting, he had caught your eye. He was always incredibly nice, to everyone, polite and sweet, and he made sure to always ask everyone how they were doing, and if they were feeling ready for the shoot.

"Great, well done everyone," the director complimented after checking the recorded material, "that concludes this scene. (Y/n), Mel, Patrick, take a break, were gonna do the prison scene next. Everyone else can go home for tonight."

You sighed quietly, and tried to relax your shoulders. A couple of people already helped untie Patrick, so you figured if you tried to help, it would only end up in a big mess. Instead you moved off the set, and started to search for a sink to rinse off the sticky fake blood that covered your hands.

Once you had cleaned and dried off your hands, you started looking for the other actresses. Most of them had already moved to the changing rooms, happy to get out of the tight and restricting leather costumes. Only Mel, who you had befriended soon after the beginning of filming, was hanging around a little buffet that had been prepared for the crew members. It was already late in the evening, and you had been working for several hours already, so it was no surprise that you suddenly realised how hungry you were.

Joining Mel at the buffet, you quickly grabbed a sandwich, and shot her a smile before you started eating. Honestly, right now you did not care what you looked like, munching on your food; you were too hungry, and hoped that getting something to eat would make it possible for you to battle your tiredness, and finish shooting today.


Confused you looked up, and found Patrick smiling at you. Quickly you swallowed and nodded.

"Yes, really good," you grinned a little embarrassed, "The ones with salad and tomato are great."

Patrick smiled again, and grabbed one of the recommended sandwiches.

"So, looking forward to the next scene," he asked, starting to eat too while leaning against the table.

His face and hands had been wiped clean of the fake blood, and without the make-up you could see he was tired too.

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