Gerard Way x Reader - Next Door Neighbors (Part Two)

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: female (probably)
count: 3 218
I did a video animation for this, basically showing where Gerard lives. Since Wattpad doesn't allow me to upload it on here (i'd have to make it a youtube video, for it to work), you can find it over on my tumblr (my tumblr is also linked in my profile).

It had almost been a year since you had first met the mysterious man on the cemetery in person. Gerard and you had spent many nights together after that, talking about whatever you could think off, be it politics, stories from your childhood or random jokes. Often you found yourself discussing things like the influence of the moon on the human psyche, cryptozoology, divination or astrology. Since Gerard had been raised more than 200 years before you, it was interesting to hear what he told you about his youth, and often he stopped in front of gravestones to tell you about the people who lay buried there.

Much to your disappointment, your time in the small town came to an end far too quickly for your liking, and only two weeks after you had met Gerard, you had to leave him, to go back to your life, the one where you had a job, lived in a cozy apartment, and went out for drinks with your colleagues.

But now you were back. It had almost taken you an entire year to finally get some vacation time, and find the courage to return to the familiar streets of the city you grew up in.

Excitedly you stirred your car around the last corner into the street your house was standing in, facing the cemetery, which now came into the view as well. You immediately noticed the change that you had never expected to happen. Even though it was early afternoon, the iron gates were closed, and a heavy chain wrapped around the bars. Behind the fence you noticed grass growing on the usually well-kept stone paths, and the few graves you were able to see, looked abandoned, weeds growing high, no fresh flowers, and no single person wandering amongst the gravestones, visiting the last resting place of their loved ones.

Confused you drove up to your parents' house and got out of the car, continually looking back over your shoulder at the cemetery. Your mother seemed to have noticed your arrival since she waited in the door as you walked up the few steps to the small house.

"You made it," she cheered, wrapping her arms around you.

"Hey mum," you smiled, but you were still thinking of the cemetery. What had happened there?

You did not dare asking that question until you were sitting at the dinner table. The usual "How have you been? Anything new?"- questions had been asked and answered, so you finally decided to bring up what had happened to the piece of land in front of your childhood home.

"Oh, the city council, or whoever decides these things, closed it down," you dad explained between two bites.

"They said most people prefer to get buried at that new graveyard at the edge of town, because it also has the funeral parlor is right next to it, and so is the chapel and all," your mother continued explaining.

You nodded, and continued eating, but your attention drifted away from the conversation. If they had shut down the cemetery, where was Gerard? Was he still there, hiding in one of the mausoleums only to show himself at night? Had he moved? If so, where? Where would a vampire who barely knew a living soul move? It destressed you, imagining Gerard not living here anymore. To you, he belonged here the same way gravestones belong on a graveyard.

Time did not pass fast enough for you that evening, until you finally announced you were going to meet some friend from back in high school. That was obviously a lie, since the main reason for your visit was to see Gerard again. You threw on a rain coat and some sneakers before you hastily made your way out of the front door, over to the other side of the street, and then along the fence of the cemetery towards the front gate.

Emo Trinity x Reader (Book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang