🖤 E I G H T E E N 🖤

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🖤Chapter Eighteen: Reunited At Last🖤


It had been a few hours, and I was beginning to get tired. Mikado had fallen asleep on the couch while I stayed up. Waiting.

It was past three in the morning and we had school tomorrow. Slowly and drowsily, I made my way to Mikado, gently shaking him awake.

"Mikado... Hey. Mikado, wake up." I pinched his nose, causing him to jolt up, gasping for breath. 

He let out a breath of relief, placing a hand on his chest. "How many times have I told you not to do that?"

"You wouldn't wake up." I looked out of the window at the night, "It's late and he hasn't come. You should get to bed. We have school tomorrow."

Mikado yawned and slowly stood up. I grabbed his school blazer and bag and handed them to him as he finished putting on his shoes. "Here. Thank you for staying with me. I appreciate it."

Mikado yawned again, "No problem..."

I smiled and opened the door for him, waving as he entered his own apartment. Once I saw his door close, I closed mine, stepping back inside. I walked over to my back, going to grab my pepper spray before I went to bed. 

I opened my bag and searched for it. Where was it? I left it in my bag! I panicked and opened my bag, dumping its contents out on the floor. Everything was there. My notebooks, my pencils, my notes. Everything but my pepper spray.

"Shit, shit, shit." I stood up and began to open my kitchen drawers, searching desperately for it. "Where the hell is it?! It was in my bag earlier today!"

I kept a lookout for a light pink puffball everywhere. I even checked outside of my door in case I dropped it for some reason.

I whined in defeat as I sat down on the couch, hands covering my face. "I don't understand..."

I lifted my head and my eyes began to scan my living room, looking for something, anything to help me.

My eyes spotted a plain metal bucket sitting in the corner, collecting occasional drips from a tiny crack in the ceiling. I grabbed the bucket, replacing it with a cup. I ran over to the sink, dumping the dirty water and filling it with clean water.

I turned off the faucet and carried the heavy metal bucket to the side of the door, waiting to be used.

I stepped back, staring at the door that would soon be knocked upon. I sighed and walked over to the couch, plopping down face first.

I was exhausted.


I awoke to a series of patterned knocks, 

Pat Patpatpatpat Pat. Pat Pat.

I rose from the couch and ran to my bag for my pepper spray. 'Shit. I forgot I didn't have it.'

My breath hitched in my throat as I turned to my door. I could see ahead of hair behind the small square of foggy glass. 

I covered my mouth, clutching my stomach as I felt like I was about to throw up.

The same series of knocks sounded once again,

Pat Patpatpatpat Pat. Pat Pat.

I quickly spotted the metal bucket filled with water next to the door.

:| |: Reunited at last :| |: - (Durarara Fanfic)-Where stories live. Discover now