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🖤Chapter Ten: Double Trouble Day🖤

Izaya, who once stood in front of us, was now skidding against the pavement with a garbage can a few feet away.

I let out a startled scream, jumping back.

Masaomi turned around with a nervous but excited smile, "Holy, shit~"

I looked as Izaya stood up, adjusting his coat sleeve with a pained look on his face.

'How is he still standing after that...?'

"Well, well,"

I turned my head in the direction of the voice. My eyes widened.

"What's up, Izaya?"

Oh my god! This guy again?!

The man took off his tinted sunglasses, the same he wore a few weeks prior, "Didn't I tell you to never step foot in Ikebukuro again? You remember that, Izaya. Dontcha?"

"Shizu-Chan... Last I heard you were working some gig over by the west gate."

"Got fired ages ago. And I'm pretty sure I've told you to never call me that; my name is Shizuo Heiwajima, try to get it right." He growled. 

I took a step back, a bead of sweat rolling down my face as I stared at Shizuo.

'Damnit... What if he recognizes me? What do I do then?!'

His face dripping in anger with his angry grin. I gulped, 'At least he's preoccupied... for now...'

"Oh come on, Shizu-Chan, so I pined you for something you didn't do. Who knew you'd get so mad?"

I looked over at Shizuo to see the same grin on his face, "Oh I'm not mad, I just want to beat the shit out of you."

Izaya smiled disappointedly and leaned his head to the side, "You know, the problem with you, Shizu-Chan, is that you can't be swayed with reason, and that's bad," He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "Really bad,"

The sound of a blade scraping against metal as it was flicked open was heard, and Izaya held it up, pointing it at Shizuo, "Now let me go."

Anri started shaking, fearful whimpers escaping her throat.

All of a sudden, before I could comprehend anything else, a voice bellowed, "There! That's the guy!" And we were all surrounded by a bunch of people; men specifically.

I grunted and stepped back, brows furrowed together, 'How the hell did we get caught in the middle of this?'

"No punk-ass bitch gets to make a fool outa' me." A man with a yellow hoodie and a dark beanie spoke, his friends next to him adding something,

"You don't go around greying with the dollars... Huh? What's with the bartender?"

"I dunno. He wasn't here a minute ago,"

"Is that... Shizuo Heiwajima?!"

He growled, turning around, "What the hell do you want?!"

I stared in shock as a man with a wooden plank began screaming in fear, running towards Shizuo, slamming the wooden plank he had against Shizuo's head. The plank splintering instantly.

I gasped, Shizuo stumbling forward with his hands clutching his head.

I stepped back with wide eyes when he began growling, blood dripping from his face. He took a breath, standing upright. "You aimed for my head..."

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