🖤 F I V E 🖤

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🖤Chapter Five: Meeting the Bartender🖤

A small scream was heard from the small apartment that Inra now occupied. Her hair sticking to her neck and face from sweat, her clothes were twisted and stuck around her body, and her breath was rapid and sharp.

Inra took a shaky breath, exhaling, "Damn nightmares..." She looked outside through the purple curtains that were installed on the windows, only to see that it was still dark. "Aaaand it's still dark... Great."

Inra laid back down on her futon, wiping her face in exhaustion. She was so tired of all the nightmares. They were beginning to get on her nerves. She moved into her apartment a few days ago and still hadn't unpacked her bag yet.

She sighed, sitting up in her futon and moved the blanket off of her, standing up in her pink and white shorts and a white T-Shirt, scratching her messy bed head as she walked to the kitchen to make a cup of tea before going to her large duffle bag and grabbed her favorite book; Dark Descend, her favorite post-apocalyptic book.

An hour passed by, and Inra was still reading her book with a cup of tea almost finished, sitting beside her on the coffee table. She could hear her phone ring from the other room; so she drank the rest of her tea and moved the bookmark to her current spot, saving it.

She walked into her bedroom, grabbing her uniform and spread it out on the bed for her to change into. Inra sighed and walked into the bathroom, closing the door and turned on the water, proceeding to take a relaxing shower,


I sighed in relief, stepping out of the hot shower onto the rug. I dried off and wrapped the towel around my torso, walking out into the living room and over to my bedroom to change.

I grabbed the white blouse and slipped it on, buttoning it up and adjusting the collar. I slipped on the dark blazer and buttoned that up as well, smoothing out any wrinkles that I saw. I pulled the dark blue skirt up.

I looked to my right and saw myself in the full-body mirror. I stared at myself. I don't know what I was staring at, but just staring at myself made me think... Is this what Nathan and the others saw? Did they see the skinny body and pale skin? How could they even enjoy something like this...?

I tore my gaze away from the mirror and walked over to my dresser, pulling out a pare of black-high socks, walking over to my bed and sat down, beginning to pull them on. I placed my foot on the ground, staring at my fist. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down whatever was making my stomach crawl.

I sighed and stood up, walking out of the room and into the bathroom again. I picked up my red brush, brushing my wet hair and blow-drying it, and pulled it back so I could do my skincare routine. Thirty minutes passed, and my face felt hydrated and refreshed, putting a smile on my face. I left my hair up, deciding it could stay that way for school.

I walked back over to the chair I was sitting in before, moving the purple curtains to see the sun beginning to rise. I pushed the curtains back and walked over to the door, slipping on my brown shoes, stepping out the door of my tiny apartment.

I live on one of the lower levels, the second floor, so, unfortunately, I don't get the best view, but at least I have a room next to Mikado. I stared at the rising sun, enjoying the warm glow that dawn gave us the privilege to view. I closed my eyes, sighing as I leaned on the metal bars in front of me. I took a breath, looking to my left.

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