🖤 T H R E E 🖤

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🖤Chapter Three: Meeting Again🖤

Mikado flipped his phone closed, trying desperately to focus on what the teacher was saying. Somehow, he hadn't been caught on his phone during class, which baffled him, but he wasn't complaining.

He was curious as to why Inra wanted to leave so soon. Sure, she wanted to leave, but they only came up with this idea a few days prior, so it was unlike her to hurry into things like that.

Either way, he was excited to finally be able to see his friend again after so many years. He missed her smile when they would hang around each other, laughing at silly jokes and imitating a celebrity or person from school. It was all such fun during those times. Now, It's boring without her, and it doesn't help the fact the towns they both live in are mundane.

An hour passes and the school bell rings, signaling that school has ended. Mikado and several others hurry and pack their bags, scurrying to their lockers to grab their belongings. Mikado closes his locker and walks out of the school, pushing past people all while yelling out apologies.

It was a long walk home from school, but he finally made it back and quickly packed his things, folding several articles of clothing and placed them on his bed, ready to be packed.

Seeing as his mom was home, he told her what was happening;

"Mom," Mikado said nervously, "Um... Inra's on her way over now. So I have my things ready to be packed, I just need to shower first..." Mikado trailed, looking down to the floor to avoid eye contact.

He heard his mother sigh, making him slouch down slightly, "I still don't understand why you want to leave. You're perfectly happy here."

Mikado looked up as his mother, "Mom, we had this discussion before, and I'm not happy. This place is completely uninteresting, and I want to start over. Inra wants the same thing. So we're going to Ikebukuro and meeting up with Masaomi."

She sighed again but smiling slightly, "Alright... Just be sure to stay with Inra. I know how much you care about her, and I can tell she cares about you. Just--... Just be careful... alright?"

Mikado smiled brightly, "Okay! Thanks a lot, mom." Mikado wraps his arms around his mother, bringing her in a tight hug.

She chuckles slightly, pushing away from the hug and grabbing her son by the shoulders, "I'll make a nice dinner for the three of us. Your father is working late today so he won't be back until later this evening. In the meantime, finish packing and take your shower."

Mikado smiled and brought her in a hug again, soon turning away to finish packing. Leaving out an outfit to travel in, Mikado packed all of his clothes in his bag and turned to the bathroom, running the shower water.


The train doors opened and a girl with raven black hair jumped out, a large grin present on her features as she quickly ran up the subway stairs into the much-missed town where her beloved friend lived.

She was practically bouncing in her seat as she waited for a bus to take her to the street her friend lived on. Her heart leaped with joy when she saw the city bus around the corner and stop in front of her.

She quickly stood up as the door opened, handing the driver money and telling them where to go. Thankfully the bus was empty so the ride wouldn't be too long.

:| |: Reunited at last :| |: - (Durarara Fanfic)-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz