🖤 E I G H T 🖤

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🖤Chapter Eight: Why?🖤

I woke up sore. My back, legs, and arms aching. I sat up on my futon, remembering my "first day" on the job. I ruined eleven of their bags but was thankfully given another chance. He said,

"I'm giving you another chance. Mess up this time, and I'll make sure that you never step foot into this restaurant."

My boss is so nice, isn't he?

Anyway, I go back to work on Friday to restock again, so I've got free time to do anything I wanted today...

That is... If it wasn't Monday. Showering and going to school took a lot of energy out of me, and it doesn't even involve going to the classes.

I showered and got changed into something before school. I slipped on a random black tank top and a white hoodie above my head, pulling up a pair of distressed black jeans and shoved my phone and earbuds into my pocket.

I walked to the living room and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I managed to get a little food from Saturdays' payment, but it was only enough for dinner for one more day.
So, I left the house without much food in my belly.

It was still a bit early, and Mikado hasn't woken up yet, so I decided to take a walk. Despite it being around 5:40 in the morning, Ikebukuro was still as busy as it is at night. With people walking the sidewalks and cars littering the streets trying to get to their destination.

I took a deep breath, inhaling the chilling air of the morning atmosphere before letting it out with a puff of smoke. I dug in my pocket and pulled out my earbuds, flipping open my phone as I searched for some music to fit the calming atmosphere.

I scanned my playlist, looking for the perfect song. 'No... No... No... Mmm, no...' I clicked further down, eventually spotting a song I haven't heard in ages, 'This is perfect, I haven't heard this song in ages!'

I smiled to myself and clicked on the song, the melodic tune calming my morning nerves as I stared at the warm colors of the sunrise in the sky. I smiled and flipped my hood up, my hair falling over my shoulders like a dark curtain.

Listening to this music just... makes me want to fly away...

Never to be bothered.

Never to be a bother.

It was refreshing, to say the least.


It was the beginning of the school day, and Mikado and I were in homeroom. I went back home around 7:20 and got dressed before walking to school with Mikado, meeting up with Masaomi halfway there.

And currently, we were discussing class representatives;

"Oh, right. We still need class representatives. Do we happen to have any volunteers for this?" I looked at the elder teacher with disinterest. All these school roles are boring. Can't we just have clubs for this or something?

A girl in the front rows of the class rose her hand. It was a pretty girl; with short black hair and glasses.

The teacher looked at her and over at a piece of paper, "Oh, uh, let's see... Sonohara... Anri Sonohara. Is there anybody else?" Nobody seemed to raise their hand, "So that's it for the girls,"

:| |: Reunited at last :| |: - (Durarara Fanfic)-Where stories live. Discover now