🖤 T W E N T Y - S E V E N 🖤

41 5 2

🖤 Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Doctor 🖤


My eyes felt heavy and tired, I tried to crack open my eyes, feeling myself laying on a hard surface with chilly air cooling my face. What I could see was very little. From what I could see, it was dark, and I was in an alley... the alley looked familiar somehow...

I tried to pick myself up, my arms barely being able to push myself off the ground. My legs, arms, and everything else felt like they were made of jelly. I stood up, almost immediately stumbling to the side of the alley when I tried to take a step, catching myself on the wall.

My legs shakily carried me through the dark, dank, alley. Was it always this wet? When did it rain? I don't remember it raining. My vision was cloudy as I finally stumbled out of the alley and onto my knees. Why was I so weak? What's going on? Where am I? I don't remember.

I stood up on shaky legs, turning my head around as I looked at my surroundings. "Izaya... I... I was going to Izaya's apartment... why is it so late...? Why did I wake up on the ground?" I asked myself, my voice quivering as my nerves steadily grew more and more. "Izaya..." I turned to the left, beginning my venture to Izaya's apartment. 

My eyes were drowsy, and I could hardly keep them open to see through cloudy vision. "Where... am I? I don't... remember." I stopped at an intersection, there being three different ways for me to go. 

It's not right... I don't know anything on the right... is it forward? Maybe, yes. But wait-... I make a left turn too... is it too early to turn? Do I go straight? Which way do I go? I can't remember. I can't see anything. It's so dark.

I stood at the intersection for so long, my legs gave in under me, making me tumble to the ground. I let out a sudden sob, feeling my nerves growing, as fear began to take over. I pushed myself up, walking on violently shaking legs as I turned left. 'This is right... I know it is. I... I know it is...!'

I wonder and wonder, and try my hardest to find my way. 'What are these streets? I don't recognize any of them... Where am I going.' "Hello? I don't know where I am!"

I let out another sob, eyes stinging through cloudy eyes. I blinked rapidly, my heart beating out of my chest, my head pounding violently, and I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker. "I-I'm... I'm scared... I'm... I don't know what to do..."

I felt myself crash onto the ground, not having any strength to pick myself up again. I couldn't see- it was too dark out. I felt my legs trembling, and my head was pounding painfully.

'Someone... Izaya... help me...'


I woke up with a jerk, feeling startled by my dream... Was it really a dream? I groggily sat up, my head pounding and my knees feeling sore and tender. "I remember..." I muttered aloud, staring down at my hands, just barely being able to see them from the dimly lit room I was in-- The only source of light being a small strip of moonlight shining through a window in the other room.

My eyes suddenly widened. 'Where am I? This isn't Izaya's apartment. O-Or mine! Who's home am I in?! I want to go home!'

I scurried to stand up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I quickly gasped. I felt my feet kicking something hard, but mobile seeing as it rolled away. I looked over at what I kicked, my eyes widening, seeing a familiar-looking metal medical cart next to the hospital-like bed I woke up in.

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