🖤 T W E N T Y 🖤

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🖤 Chapter Twenty: Runaway 🖤


I sat on the leather couch in the side of the room, staring down at my phone. I turned on my phone a few minutes ago, and ever since, missed messages and calls began blowing up my phone from both my mom and dad.

'Inra Orihara! You answer your phone this instant!'

'Inra Orihara! Call me right now, you ungrateful child!'


8 missed calls.

8 new voice messages.

'Come home right now, or else!'

I sighed, going to my contacts. I clicked on my mother's. My finger hovered over the 'Delete Contact' option. I closed my eyes. It hurt just to look at the name 'Mom'.

Should I do this? I mean... they're my parents...

I opened my eyes and tapped out of it, blocking the contact from being able to contact me. And deleted it. I repeated this with my father.

I sighed and clicked my phone off and tossed it to the side, my hands running through my hair as stress began to take over.

'Did I do the right thing? What's gonna happen now?'

"Something wrong?"

I looked up from my hands and looked behind me, seeing Izaya staring over at me with a snake-like smirk from his desk.

I turned my head back around, staring at my discarded phone. "They want me to come home. Our parents."

His smirk faltered slightly, "Oh? What on earth for?"

I glanced over at him, and he gasped dramatically, laughing. "Don't tell me you ran away!"

I looked down to my hands in my lap, glaring at my hands with furrowed brows. "They never would've let me leave."

He nodded from his spot at his desk, "So you are a runaway,"

"I couldn't take it anymore, Izaya!" I threw my hand to the side angrily, standing up from the couch. "That school was just... the worst." I choked back a sob, recalling the times at my old school.

I let out a breath and turned around, hugging my arms as my back faced him, "After you left, mom got a job offer so we had to move. I left behind everything. My friends, my old life, the house we grew up in. And in turn, I got stuck with shitty people whose only hobby was making other's lives miserable."

I heard his voice call out from behind, closer this time. I turned around, seeing him stand behind the couch with his arms crossed, "Sounds like you had a hard time by yourself, then?"

I looked away, the grip on my arms tightening slightly as I shrugged my shoulders. "You could say that..."

Izaya slowly nodded his head in understanding.

I went to my brother for everything. When I got bullied, I would always go to Izaya for help. If I needed help with homework, or if I was bored, or if I was sad, or scared, or lonely. There wasn't anything I didn't go to him for.

I was relieved to finally have him back.

Izaya suddenly reached over the back of the couch and gripped my shoulders, turning me to face him. "How about I take you out to eat? My treat!" 

:| |: Reunited at last :| |: - (Durarara Fanfic)-Where stories live. Discover now