🖤 N I N E 🖤

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🖤Chapter Nine: Somebody🖤

"Yo! Inra! What're you just standin' there for? We're leaving without you, girl!"

Sighing, I turned around and ran back over to the group.

So, that brings us to where I am now,

We were currently walking; me, Mikado, and Masaomi.

After Masaomi finished his "Session" of flirtatious talking, we decided to continue our walk home.

"Aw man, why'd they have to bail? I bet it was your gloomy face that scared those chicks off."

I stared at him blankly as we walked, "Y'know, if you didn't go flirting with every girl you meet, then maybe you'd actually have a friend or two."  

"You just made a fool out of your self. I've been flirting since grade school and I have a lot of friends, you, Mikado, and these other people. Geez, you didn't tell me your friend was a dummy, Mikado!" He laughed.

"What?!" I growled.

"Hey, Masaomi!"

We all looked up to see a small group of people walking toward us, a girl in a long black dress waving at us.

"Hey, hey!"

"It's that dude with the manga name! Uh, let me see, what was it? Mikado, that's it!"

The girl smiled at us, "You wanna hit the comic book store?"

The guy with straight blonde hair grabbed a book from his bag, pulling it out, "Because Suzie Yasuda's having a book signing today!"

The tall guy with a beanie shoved his hand down, "Ugh, keep that stuff on the down-low, will ya?"

"What for? I can't get enough of Suzie's books! They are so cool!"

"Hey, wait a minute." The girl said, "Who's this girl?"

I looked up, seeing the three of them looking at me. I yelped, surprised to see them staring at me.

The blonde guy slides in front of my face, looking at my face, before taking a step back, a wide smile on his face. "Woah! She looks just like Sawako Kuronuma from Kimi ni Todoke!" 

The girl in black slides in front of my vision too, examining me. A bead of sweat rolls down my cheek as they look at me as if they were judging me.

"You're right, Walker! Her hair color is perfect! And her reddish-brown eyes match perfectly! If I'm being honest, the only thing missing is the straight bangs! Don't get me wrong--... uh... what's your name?"

I stared at them, an awkward look on my face, "Um... My name? Well... My name is Inra Orihara...It's nice to meet you...?"

The four of them gasped.

"What?! Really? You act nothing like him!" The girl said, a surprised look on her face.

"You're related to that guy?!" Walker asked.

"Are you sure they just don't have the same last name?" The tall guy asked.

"No way, Kyohei! They look almost identical! It's no doubt their siblings!" The girl said. She turned to me again, and I stepped back nervously, "I know what she is!"

"You... do...?"

"She's the little sister who never knew she had an older brother because he wasn't there at birth and her parents never told her about him! So now, after seeing a picture of a strange man who looks just like her, she's gone on a search to find him!"

:| |: Reunited at last :| |: - (Durarara Fanfic)-Where stories live. Discover now