🖤 S I X T E E N 🖤

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🖤Chapter Sixteen: The Message🖤


I walked along the streets in the early morning, it being Friday with a chilly breeze that was shielded by the thick dark jacket I wore over my school uniform. The sun shined down on me as I searched for flyers for a new job. After I lost my job at the restaurant a few days ago-- which was beyond unfair--, I won't have enough money to be able to pay for rent and get food and such. I thankfully have enough for my rent this month, but I still need money for both food and bills. 

I let out a yawn, inhaling that cool air that made my throat dry. I never was a morning person. I remember when the only way my mom could get me out of bed when I was little was to say that Izaya was awake. Eventually, mom and dad just had Izaya wake me up considering they had to use that excuse every time, it would just be easier to have Izaya do it. I smiled at the memory.

It had been almost seven years since the last time I've seen him. I imagined he looked the same-- with his dark hair and maroon-colored eyes. He looked just like me-- rather, I looked like him. I could feel my eyes begin to sting, and a lump form in my throat as I was on the verge of tears. It was excruciating to come home from school one day to find out that the one person you loved more than anything didn't come home, and never planned on returning. 

It was more than difficult for me. I fell into a depression that my parents desperately tried to get me out of. My sisters and I were never close, so they sort of kept their distance. It took so long for me to get out of my depressed state-- but thankfully after I transferred schools, I met Mikado who helped me get accustomed to the new environment. Because I was always around my brother when I saw him during school hours, I never really talked to anybody because I didn't need to. All I could ever want was my brother. Mikado was my first actual friend.

I wiped my burning eyes, which only made tears fall. It's too early for this! Stop crying, dammit! I have school in less than 20 minutes and I'm crying?! 

I let out a choked sob and wiped my eyes with my jacket's sleeve which were now wet with tears. "Goddammit, I don't have time for this," I hiccuped and sniffed hard, my nose now stuffy. I looked around and saw a few people looking at me. My cheeks heated up and I flipped my hood up, picking up my pace as I practically jogged to school.

Ugh, I'm so stupid! I can't keep letting this bother me. It happened seven years ago.

I sighed and sniffled again, walking onto school grounds. I gripped my bag tightly and nodded silently to the people who greeted me. Ever since the incident with Nolan, people began to be a little more friendly towards me. I walked inside and changed my shoes at the locker room, taking off my simple sneakers and slipped on my brown loafers.

I sniffed again, my nose finally beginning to clear up. I closed my locker, not bothering to take off my jacket. It was against the dress code to have any jackets or hats on, but I wasn't in the mood for people to look at my face so I decided to keep it with me. I grabbed my things and began to walk to my first hour. 

I walked in, people already in there and chatting away with their friends. I walked to my seat next to the window and sat down. There were a few other kids in class, Mikado and Masaomi being two of them. They both looked my way and walked over.

"Yo." Masaomi greeted with a raise of his hand. "What's with you? You look all depressed."

I looked up at him, my dark hood over my head and dark bangs hanging down on my forehead, "Oh, um.. yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." I wiped my eye, nervous that they were still red from crying earlier.

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