🖤 T W E N T Y - E I G H T 🖤

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🖤Chapter Twenty-Eight: I'm back... But for how long? 🖤


Nearly a week has passed, and I was still 'living' with Celty and Shinra. I hated it here. Which is why I'm leaving. Today. It was around three pm on a Thursday afternoon, and I waited until Celty left to go on a job, and Shinra was busy with other things.

I didn't have anything when I came over here. My phone was missing, so I had no way of contacting anyone. It was surprisingly easy to leave. They didn't treat me like a prisoner or anything. They treated me like a guest but made sure I didn't leave the apartment. It was a dangerous game they played. 

If anything, It's good that I'm leaving. They're good people and it would prove troublesome for them if I was caught there after nearly a week of being gone...

... Speaking of... My thoughts quickly shifted to Izaya. What was he doing? Was he looking for me? Did he even know where to look? Hell, I wouldn't even know where to look. I had no idea where this apartment building was, anyway. They didn't tell me.

And Mikado? Masaomi? And even Anri? I've missed four days of school already. They've surely tried to contact me. But my phone... I don't even know where it is.

I ignored that fact and made my way to the door quietly, picking up my shoes as I sneakily cracked open the door. Thankfully it wasn't creaky. I stepped outside, closing the door carefully before I stepped into my shoes, not caring if I messed up the heel of them.

Once my shoes were in place, I as calmly as possible walked down the hall and the steps, leaving the building. As soon as my feet touched the outside, I began sprinting. I had no idea where I was, but I didn't want to linger. I never slowed. I didn't know if anyone of 'them' were around.

I ran and ran... until I ran into him.

"Hey, watch where you're going!-" He shouted, spinning around to yell at who ran into him at full speed. "Kid?!"

"I need your help!" I yelled, grabbing his hand and dragged him away. I had no idea where I was going, but I had to go somewhere quiet. I had no idea if anyone was listening. I ran and ran until he made me stop. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

"Woah, Woah, Woah! Settle down! Would you stop!?"

I spun around as he ripped his arm from my grasp. My eyes flooded with tears, and I began to sob.

"Where were you? There are missing person posters all over Ikebukuro."

"Please, please, please take me to the police station. I don't know where I am!"

"Hold it! Tell me what's going on! You disappear for a week and all of a sudden show up asking for the police! What the hell happened?!"

"I was kidnapped, okay?! I was kidnapped and threatened. They used me to get to Izaya. They want him to join them!"

"Who the hell is 'Them'?"

"The Ophidians. I had never heard of them before."

Shizuo seemed surprised. "The Ophidians?"

I nodded. 

He grabbed my wrist, pulling me in a direction. "Come with me."

"W-Where are we going?"

"The police station."


:| |: Reunited at last :| |: - (Durarara Fanfic)-Where stories live. Discover now