🖤 F I F T E E N 🖤

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🖤 Chapter Fifteen: Contact🖤

"What do you mean you got fired?!" Masaomi exclaimed, shocked.

People passing by in the halls looked at me and my two friends. "I mean that I got fired! F-I-R-E-D!"

Masaomi's shoulders slumped, "But why?"

I scowled and shoved my books in my locker, "Because my boss saw Shizuo Heiwajima walking me to work in the morning and told me I was a hazard to his restaurant since I'm "associated" with him."

Mikado chocked on his spit, "WHAT?!"

"You're telling me that THE Shizuo Heiwajima WALKED you to WORK!" Masaomi questioned loudly.

"Yes, that's what I'm telling you," I closed my locker and grabbed Mikado's hand as I began walking away towards my next class.

Ugh, I cannot believe that he fired me! That little prick! That was so unfair! Literally everybody in the restaurant knows of Shizuo Heiwajima! Does that mean everyone else gets fired?! NO!



"We can't have someone who is involved with a violent thug like Shizuo Hewagima working in my restaurant. You'll only bring trouble."

"But- Why, thats--!" I stumbled over my words, completely agitated. "That's completely unfair! I don't even know that guy!"

"You need to leave." He said, a dark look on his face. "Now."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and grabbed my bag. I glared down at his stubbled face and stormed out of his office, making sure to slam the door so everyone else in the store could hear.


I slid open the doors and walked inside, dropping Mikado's hand as I walked towards my science table. I was the only one there because at the start of the year, Mikado was my table mate, but got moved because the kid up front was talking so he made Mikado and him switch. But now since that kid dropped out of this class, It's just myself at this table now.

It was all the same boring people from the beginning of the year. This class was just as boring as it was easy.

I payed no attention as class started, my chin resting on my fist as I stared out of the window.

All of a sudden, the door slamed open, making all of us look in that direction. There stood a boy with dark green hair wich was covered by a dark grey beanie and black and green eyes. I recognized him as Oliver. From the roof.

"Ah, how nice of you to join us, Mr. Holman."

"S-Sorry I'm late. I got lost." He said.

'Holman? That doesn't sound like a Japanese name?'

The teacher sighed, "No worries. Just be on time from now on. Take a seat, Mr. Holman.

Oliver scanned over the room and looked at the different chairs and the people sitting in them. When he reached to where I was sitting, we locked eyes for a moment before he made any movement.

He hesitantly walked over and pointed towards the empty seat next to me, "Is this taken?" He asked, almost sheepishly.

I shook my head and gestured for him to sit. He complied and set his bag down. The rest of the class went on like normal, me just scribbling in my textbook and half-assed paying attention before Oliver spoke,

:| |: Reunited at last :| |: - (Durarara Fanfic)-Where stories live. Discover now