🖤 E L E V E N 🖤

290 11 13

🖤Chapter Eleven: Another Video🖤

A clash of thunder lit up my living room, fading as quickly as it came. I sat in the corner chair with a hot cup of tea in my hand, listening to the rain pour down on the window. I leaned my head back, closing my eyes.

It was early morning. Around five o'clock. I woke up to the storm outside a little while ago and ever since then I couldn't fall back asleep no matter how hard I tried.

There was an odd feeling in my gut. Like when you feel like you're about to throw up but know you aren't. I tried brushing it off and tried to drink some herbal tea and watch the rain pour down to take my mind off of it, but it wasn't working very well.

Sighing, I set down my empty cup on the side table and stood from the chair, the dark morning and lightning flashes lighting up my living room as I walked into the bathroom. Perhaps a shower will help?

Turning on the hot water, I let it run while I brushed my hair. Dark raven knots being brushed apart as the plastic bristles passed through. I ran a hand down my face. Somehow the feeling had gotten worse. I let out a shaky breath and began getting undressed.

Stepping into the shower, I let the hot water rush down my body as I tried to stand still.

'Am I getting sick? What the hells the matter with me?'

My eyes started to sting with tears of frustration. I was perfectly fine yesterday? What's wrong with today?

I let out a deep sigh and wiped my eyes. 'You're okay. Just get through today.'

Taking out my body scrub, I began lathering my loofa and scrubbing my body clean. I did the same with shampoo and conditioner for my hair.

I stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed with the sickening feeling subdued for a while.

I stepped outside and glanced out the window. The sun was just starting to come up yet the storm seemed to push even harder.

I huffed a laugh and began getting dressed.


"Ugh! I can't believe the test is today! I barely even studied!"

I smiled over at Masaomi, the feeling in my gut gone completely, "Sucks for you. I spent three hours last night going overwork and studying,"

He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue between his lower lip as he mocked me, his fingers smacking against his thumb.

I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him.

Mikado, Masaomi and I were all walking to school after Masaomi ran into us. The walk was an average walk I guess. Masaomi was teasing Mikado about his obvious crush on that girl Anri, and being the good friend I am-- joined in on it.

"You liiiiiike her~!" I sang, my fingers hovering over my lips as I stared knowingly at him.

He blushed, "N-No I don't! Stop saying that!"

I laughed "Mikado likes Anri!"

"ShhHHHHhh!!! Keep your voice down!!!"

I furrowed my brows and smiled, "Sorry, sir!"

He groaned and rolled his eyes, walking ahead of both of us, "Ugh, you're so annoying."

I grinned and hopped back beside him. Masaomi on his right, me on his left.

:| |: Reunited at last :| |: - (Durarara Fanfic)-Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora