🖤 F O U R 🖤

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🖤Chapter Four: Ikebukuro🖤

Mikado sat incredibly still. Scared to move. A small mammal with dark hair was laying on him, and any given moment it could lash out at him and rip him to shreds.

Inra had fallen asleep on Mikado's shoulder an hour or two into the ride. Her calm breathing made it seem like she was a fragile piece of glass, and a single movement could cause its decorative glass to shatter into millions of pieces.

Mikado's breath caught in his throat as Inra shifted, making him fear for his life, remembering the time when they would spend the night at each other's houses when they were younger, and how she would always get extremely angry and vicious when someone would wake her up.

To look past his fear, Mikado admired Inra's matured features. She went from a slightly chubby girl to a lean and fit girl. Her once short raven hair is now at a decent mid-back length. Her round eyes are still the reddish-brown he was used to. And from what he sees, she's changed her style from several dresses to a more dark and laid-back clothing choice.

She looked beautiful in his eyes. And he was sure that other people thought so too. If he remembered correctly, Inra would always do this thing where she would rub her eyes when she wakes up and stretches-- After she's done yelling at someone of course.

Just the thought of having to wake up the girl from her sleep ran a chill down Mikado's spine. In the meantime, Mikado looked passed the sleeping girl and out to the dark sky, imagining being in Ikebukuro with his old friend, Masaomi and Inra.

Masaomi jumped when he heard the train "driver"'s voice over the intercom, "Good evening, Ladies, and Gentlemen! We're nearing our destination! Grab your bags and get ready for your exciting experience!"

Mikado smiled excitedly. And he was sure he would share one with Inra if she was awake. Some people gathered their bags, while others waited. Mikado swallowed the lump in his throat and put a gentle hand on her shoulder, shaking lightly, "Inra... Hey. We're here."

The brown haired girl yawned and stretched her arms over her head, yawning again, "Already? I was hoping I could get at least an hour or two more of sleep." Inra let out a tired moan and dropped her hands, "Oh well."

Mikado stared in surprise when he hadn't just been murdered by his feisty female friend. Disregarding the thought, Mikado smiled and patted her back; a habit he gained when they were friends when they were younger.

The two friends waited for most of the people to leave the train before getting up and gathering their bags. The two stepped out of the train and grabbed each other's hand; another thing that they did when they were in a large crowd to prevent each other from getting lost.

Inra yawned widely, whipping tired tears from the corner of her eye. Her large navy blue duffle bag was hanging on her right shoulder as she held hands with her childhood friend, Mikado.

"So," Inra yawned, covering her mouth, "Where's your friend meeting us again?"

"Not too far. He said he'd be near where the train stopped." Mikado said, looking around for the boy.

Inra nodded, also looking around at the people walking around the busy. A little ways away, she could spot a figure that was strangely facing straight at her, yet their hood was over their head, only showing their nose and mouth. Their mouth was turned up into an evil looking smirk.

Inra squinted her eyes, trying to get a better look at who that was, 'Who-...'

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean... to-..."

Inra looked over and looked at Mikado as he let go of her hand and bowed towards a man who paid no attention to him and walked off without a word. Shaking her head, and seeing as everything was fine, Inra looked back to the spot were her mysterious stalker stood. But he wasn't there anymore.

Who was that man? And why were they staring at her? Surely she didn't stand out too much. But why were they smirking? Too many questions that she had, and she only just arrived.


Inra disregarded the thought and looked over at her friend, laughing awkwardly, "Sorry. Did you say something, Ryu?"

He sighed, "Nothing. Never mind."


The two turned their heads towards the new voice that seemed to startle the young girl.

"Masaomi?! How'd you-?..." Mikado stared in bewilderment as he stared at his friend as Inra stood awkwardly a few feet away and watched the two converse with each other,

"Was that even a question? Well, it sounded like one, so now I'll grant you three answers to choose from! One: Masaomi Kida. Two: Masomi Kida. Three: Masaomi Kida!"

Mikado smiled widely, "Wow, Masaomi! No way! It's really you?!"

Masaomi sighed sadly, putting a hand on his forehead as he looks away, "I spend three years comin' up with that one, and he completely ignores it."

Masaomi laughed and began to poke Mikado's stomach, "I've missed ya man!!"

Mikado laughed, "I can't believe you dyed your hair, it looks cool! It looks so different that I didn't even recognize you! Although, your jokes still suck."

"Well, what'd you expect? It's been four years. And look at you, stupid; you look the same as you did in elementary school!" Masaomi bent down and patted Ryu's head. "And, Buddy my jokes don't suck, they rule."

Inra continued to stand there awkwardly, looking around and biting the inside of her cheek. Mikado could tell that she was getting bored, and he felt bad about forgetting about her for a moment, "Uh, Inra. This is Masaomi."

Inra looked over, hearing her name being called, and she looked at Mikado before turning her head to look at Masaomi.

"Masaomi, this is Inra, the girl I was telling you about." Mikado turned to Inra, "Inra, this is Masaomi. He's the one I said we would be meeting."

Inra looked at Masaomi with a smile on her face, keeping in mind the warning her friend gave her when they were on the train, "Hello. I'm Inra. It's nice to finally meet you, Masaomi."

Masaomi smiled in return, "Likewise,"

Masaomi turned around and waved for the two to follow, "Anyway, let's go! Let's get out from underground. I feel like going west today young folk! But we're not gonna take the west exit, we're gonna take the Seibu exit!"

Inra turned to Mikado with a questioning eyebrow lifted, "He doesn't seem that bad."

Mikado shrugged in confusion and followed after his friend. Inra sighed and followed after, the thought of the mysterious man in the back of her mind, and unaware of the fact that he watched and listened to their entire conversation from the other side of the large cement pillar.


"Welcome to Ikebukuro!"

Mikado gasped, looking around at the beautiful sight of bright city lights and busy streets in front of him, "Wow! A world that I've only seen in manga and online is right here in front of me!"

Inra let out another large yawn, a large wave of fatigue washing over her, "That's great n' all, but when do you think I'll be able to take a bath and go to bed?"

Mikado laughed awkwardly, and Masaomi stood up,

"I'll let ya share a bed with me."

"There it is.." Mikado mumbled, a sad and disappointed tone in his voice.

Inra cracked an eye open, too tired to even blush, and closed her eye again, blocking out the harsh lights from her tired, sensitive eyes, "Thanks. But I think I'll pass."

"Not a problem! It's just a call away!"

Inra rolled her eyes, already annoyed, 'What an idiot.'


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