Chapter 2

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The morning passed by pretty quickly and before I knew it, lunchtime had arrived. Januel offered to take me to the large cafeteria located on the second floor. She bragged that it had a large selection of hot foods, along with a fully stocked salad bar. As we were leaving the reception area, a handsome man stormed in, bumping into me and almost knocking me to the floor. He reached out just in time and grabbed my arms, pulling me close to his chest.

I pulled back and got a good look at the man who had caught me. He had dark red hair that was disheveled as though he spent the last several hours running his hands through it. His expensive suit fit him like a second skin. His white shirt had the top two buttons undone and his tie was hanging loose around his neck. As I looked at his handsome face, I forgot how to breathe for a moment. I didn't realize I was studying him so intently until he spoke.

"Am I that handsome that you forgot how to speak?" he asked, a smirk on his face.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and pulled myself from his arms. I bowed to him respectfully. "My apologies sir. I was caught off guard from almost falling," I said politely.

The handsome man waved a hand at me. "It's alright. No need for apologies. It's not everyday a beautiful girl stares at me," he said, a smile appearing on his perfectly heart shaped lips.

Januel smacked his arm. "Hoseok, pull yourself together," she said. "This is Y/N. She is the intern that will be working for you while Seokjin is away on business." Januel pointed to Hoseok. "Y/N, this is Jung Hoseok."

At the mention of Seokjin, Hoseok's smile dropped and his face darkened. "If Mina comes in this office, kick her out on her ass," he said, his voice filled with quiet anger.

Januel lifted an eyebrow in amusement. "She got to you too? She was already here this morning trying to pry Seokjin's information from me. I refused and she threatened me," Januel explained.

I didn't think Hoseok's glare could get any darker, but I was wrong. "She did what?" he asked.

Januel waved it off. "I'm not too concerned. Anyways, I'm taking Y/N to the cafeteria. Can I bring you anything back?" she asked.

Hoseok sighed, then nodded, running his fingers through his hair. "A sandwich and a coffee, please," he said.

Januel nodded and motioned for me to follow her. We stepped out of the office and headed to the elevator. My mind was filled with thoughts of Jung Hoseok. I couldn't believe I would be working for such a handsome man.

"He's really handsome, isn't he?" Januel asked, a smile on her face.

I nodded in agreement. "Yes. Absolutely. I hope I can focus this week," I said jokingly, even though part of me was serious.

Januel laughed. "His personality matches his looks. He's a sweet boy. Always has been," she said.

"Have you known him long?" I asked.

Januel nodded. "Yes. A long time. When Jungkook offered him the position as lead graphic designer, he immediately brought me on as his personal secretary even though I had no work experience. I was a housewife before this," she explained.

I was impressed. "Wow. He sounds absolutely amazing to work for. And you're right. He is exceptionally handsome. I've never seen a more beautiful smile," I admitted then blushed fearing I said too much.

Januel laughed as we exited the elevator. "You're absolutely right," she said.

As we headed toward the cafeteria, Januel explained a little bit more about the departments in the building. I learned that JJK Enterprises had been built from the ground up by a young man who had just recently turned twenty-three. I was impressed. The man was several years younger than me, but had already amassed a huge fortune with his company. The company produced many television shows seen on television in the country and around the world. Everything was done in house, from the beginning to the end. They even had an in house production team. Januel explained it was where Jeon Jungkook had started. He had begun by producing short films in his closet in his bedroom at home before building his company. Many of the heads of the departments were friends he had met through school, friends he had known since he was still a teenager.

The more I learned about Jungkook, the more impressed I became. This young man had gone from a closet to the biggest production studio in the country. It was definitely remarkable.


I sat down at the desk in my office after meeting the intern. She was definitely easy to look at. The pretty blush that covered her cheeks when I called her out for staring was sweetly endearing. Her resume, although short, had been impressive. She graduated from university at the top of her class. At twenty-six years old, she was older than most interns coming in, but her resume said she had started university later than most. I was curious about why and made the decision to get to know her a bit before Jin returned and whisked her away.

The thought of my friend made me roll my eyes. He was a ladies man and had recently become semi-involved with the daughter of the head of the accounting department. Mina Lee was obsessed with Jin. Jin had taken her to dinner a couple times and now Mina was always trying to get to him again. I knew Jin didn't feel that way about her, but Mina wouldn't take a hint.

A knock on my door disturbed me from my thoughts. Y/N entered my office with my lunch: a roast beef sandwich and a coffee. She set the tray down on my desk where I pointed. "Do you need anything else, Mr. Jung?" she asked politely.

I waved my hand at her. "Please just Hoseok," I said. I appreciated her respectful and professional demeanor, but no one called me Mr. Jung. That was reserved for my dad. Speaking of which...

"Mom!" I called. My mom stepped in the office and I watched in amusement as Y/N's face registered her shock.

"Januel, you're his...?" Y/N asked, letting the question hang in the air.

My mom smiled and nodded. "Yes. Hoseok is my son," she said simply.

I was curious at the blush that covered Y/N's face and the horror in her eyes. "Is everything alright?" I asked.

Y/N nodded then turned to my mom. "Please forgive me for my words from before. I apologize if I said anything out of line," she said softly, her voice tinged with embarrassment and worry.

"What's going on?" I asked.

My mom smiled at me. "Nothing much. Y/N just thinks you're exceptionally handsome with the most beautiful smile she had ever seen," my mom explained.

I smiled at her words then watched as Y/N's cheeks turned even redder. "Oh so you do think I'm handsome?" I asked. I couldn't stop myself from teasing her.

Y/N looked down at the floor. "I do apologize for my words. They were highly unprofessional and disrespectful. I'm very sorry, Mr. Jung," she said.

"It's quite alright. And please. Just Hoseok," I said. I felt a little bad for the girl. She was extremely embarrassed and apologetic of her actions. Even though they weren't that serious. The day I get mad at a beautiful girl for thinking I am handsome is the day I lose my mind.

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