Chapter 32

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Present Day


Shit! Shit! Shit! Two days had passed since Jimin and Taehyung had visited and I couldn't get the thought of what they had said out of my head. Part of me didn't want to admit the possibility of what they had said. It wasn't something I had in my mind. When I found out I was pregnant after all the shit went down, I automatically assumed it was his, but now thinking about what Jimin had said, the possibility was there. As much as I didn't want to think about it, the timing did fit. Fit more than I wanted to believe it.

I knew I would eventually have to find out the truth and it scared the hell out of me. Would they even want to know? I worried about what would be the outcome. How would Taehyung react? It made me think of the time all those years ago when I hadn't spoken to the two of them for almost two months. Would it bring those negative feelings back again? How would Taehyung react? I know what he had said and I know what had happened between us but it made me worry just the same. The remembrance of Taehyung's jealousy sent waves of panic rushing over me. It also made me question my feelings on it. Would I be upset if the little boy asleep upstairs was Jimin's son? The feelings I had for the two of them three years ago never faded even though I tried to push them from my mind. Those two still held pieces of my heart, pieces I would never get back.

I stared out the kitchen window, the full moon shining brightly illuminating the tiny backyard. The sight of it made me angry. Jaehyun and I had the perfect home, a nice little life we had created for ourselves, but then he had to come in and fuck it all up. I left when he didn't know whom I was. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone now? It didn't make any sense. It bothered me that someone would hate me so much that they would want me dead. I don't even know what I did to deserve that.

"Whatcha doing up this late honey?" The deep voice startled me from my thoughts and I turned to see Mark behind me, his forehead creased in worry and his eyes filled with concern. He had been my rock the last three years, the one who had been there for me, helped me take care of my son. Mark had been in the delivery room when Jaehyun was born, offering to give Jae his last name, giving him the family he was going to be missing part of. Part of me wondered what it would be like if I let myself get close to Mark. I kept keeping him at arm's length and I didn't understand why.

I shrugged my shoulders at his question, letting myself lean into him when he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist in a back hug. "Just got a lot of things on my mind." Mark rested his chin on my shoulder, snuggling in close to me and I couldn't stop the smile or the flush that crossed my cheeks as he held me close. "There's so much going on and I don't... I don't know what's going to happen. I'm... I'm scared Mark."

It was the first time I had admitted it out loud. I had tried to put on a brave face, especially know Jaehyun knowing how sensitive he was to my emotions. Unfortunately it was getting harder and harder to push down the feelings of worry that had been threatening to overtake me. Part of me just wanted to confront him and get it all out of the way, but I knew that it wasn't going to be that easy no matter how much I wished it would, how much I wished things could be different. As much as I wanted to believe that all of this had changed how I felt, I knew I still loved him.

"It's going to be okay honey. You've been able to trust me for the last three years. Please continue to trust me. I promise I will take care of you. I will make sure that you and Jae are safe. You too are way too important to me to let anything happen to you." Mark turned me in his arms and hugged me tight. "It's going to be okay." I nodded my head, knowing Mark would do whatever he could to keep Jaehyun and me safe. "Why don't you go in the living room and I'll make you a cup of my famous hot chocolate? It will help you sleep."

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