Chapter 41

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"What time should I be ready?" The phone call from Jin during the middle of the workday asking me to go on a date was unexpected but I was always happy to hear from him.

"Um... be ready by 6." Jin's voice sounded nervous and I couldn't imagine why. I didn't understand why he would sound so unsure when we had gone on tons of dates.

I hesitated but knew that if I didn't ask, it would make me worry the remainder of the day. "Jin? Is everything okay?"

Jin sighed. "Yeah it is baby. I just... I have somewhere special I want to take you tonight."

My nerves faded a bit at his words. "Okay. Should I dress up or dress casual?"

"Dress up. The place we're going isn't really a jeans and hoodie kind of place." I could hear the smile in Jin's voice and it further eased my worries.

"Okay. Sounds good. I'll see you at 8."

"Bye baby. I love you."

I smiled at his final statement. "I love you too. See you tonight." After disconnecting the call, I felt a little bit of the nerves return. I wasn't used to seeing Jin so unsure about anything since he was usually so confident. This was a side of him I had never seen before and it made me worry a little. He did still say he loves me, so maybe it was just me being paranoid.

The rest of the day passed quickly and before I knew it, I was leaving the office and walking out to my car. A familiar voice called my name and I looked to see Jimin and Taehyung headed towards me, bright smiles on their faces. I hadn't seen them since the night with Jin and I wasn't sure how to react. Part of me was nervous that Taehyung was going to be angry, angry that I had kissed him and Jimin, but when he reached me, he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey sweets. How are you?" Taehyung's voice was soft and gentle, filled with kindness. "We've missed you."

I returned the hug, his cologne filling my nose. "Hey Taehyung. It's good to see you guys." Pulling back, I turned towards Jimin and he wrapped his arms around me, drawing me in close. "Hi Jimin. What are you guys doing here?"

Jimin turned to Taehyung then back to me. "Um... we... we wanted to see if you wanted to come have dinner with us? Maybe watch a movie?"

"Thank you, but I have plans tonight with Jin." I would have liked to spend the time with them, but part of me was still hesitant to spend time with just the two of them. It was different when Jin was there or if we were out to dinner with the others, but I didn't know how I felt about being in their house again.

Taehyung's face dropped and he nodded. "Oh. Okay. Can we get together soon?"

I gave him a smile. "Let me talk to Jin and see when he's free."

"Well lovely, if it's okay with you, we would rather... rather it just be the three of us. Like it would used to be."

Jimin's words surprised me since I wasn't expecting him to say those words to me. "I... I don't know Jimin. Can I... can I think about it?"

Jimin nodded and gave me a sad smile. "Sure. Take as long as you need."

Looking down at my watch, I waved a hand towards my car. "It was nice to see you guys, but I have to get going." I gave them both quick hugs, my heart fluttering when they each kissed me on the cheek. With a last wave, I got in my car and headed towards Jin's penthouse.

As I let myself in, I couldn't stop thinking about the night I had with the two of them. It was completely unexpected and something I would have never thought Jin would suggest, but it happened. When I woke the next morning, I was in Jin's bed and Jimin was next to me. He had kissed me again, but this time there was no alcohol involved. It was a simple sweet kiss and I almost told him right then and there that I loved him, but then Jin came in announcing breakfast was ready. I had thought things would be uncomfortable, but it felt surprisingly right to be there with Jimin and Taehyung. It only solidified how I was feeling for them, which confused me because of my feelings for Jin.

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