Chapter 27

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"Y/N?  Is... is that you?"  The soft sweet voice was one I recognized no matter the length of time since I heard it, one I would always recognize.  Jimin approached me, his eyes hopeful and Taehyung by his side.

The sight of Taehyung caused the tension to fill me and I put a small polite smile on my face.  "Good morning."

Jimin's eyes saddened and he held out a hand as though he wanted to reach for me but then shoved it in his pocket.  "Please.  Please talk to me.  Please talk to us.  I... I miss you."

I hesitated, but kept the same polite smile.  "Is there something I can do for you?"  I didn't want Taehyung to think I was trying to become close to them again.

Taehyung gestured to a booth.  "Can... can we talk?  Just for a minute?"

"I'm sorry, but there's really nothing to talk about.  I believe you made yourself perfectly clear." My voice was stiff and I didn't miss the tears that suddenly appeared in Taehyung's eyes or the sad look on Jimin's face.  I turned my attention to the counter to pick up my drink.

Jimin grabbed my wrist and I jerked it from his grip.  "Please.  We want to talk to you."  Jimin's eyes turned pleading.  "Please."

Not wanting to agree, but not wanting to make a scene either, I sighed then grabbed my drink from the counter then waved a hand, indicating I would follow them.  Jimin's eyes lit up in a smile so big, his pretty eyes turned into crescents.  They sat down at a booth with two benches and a single chair, each of them sitting on a separate bench.  When I sat down in the chair, Jimin's smile faded a bit and I could tell he was expecting me to sit next to him.

Setting my drink on the table, I sat there in silence, waiting for them to speak.  Taehyung turned to me first, his eyes filled with sorrow.  "I... I want to apologize.  I was completely out of line and said something that I didn't mean.  You are... you were our friend and I hurt you." The tears in Taehyung's eyes spilled down his cheeks and part of me wanted to reach out for him, but a larger part of me remembered his words and wanted me to run in the opposite direction.

I said nothing, focusing my gaze on my drink, trying to avoid looking at the two men who held my heart in their hands, but then shattered it completely.

Jimin sniffled and I looked up automatically.  The expression on his face made my chest tighten, his plump cheeks wet with tears, his beautiful lips turned down in a sad frown.  "We... we miss you so much.  You're our best friend and we've been miserable without you the last six weeks.  Please.  Please don't leave us again."

Taehyung reached out for my hand, but I quickly pulled it out of his reach, not missing the sad look that crossed his face.  "I... I don't know what to say right now.  I really don't.  Of... of all the people that I thought would ever hurt me like that, I never thought it would be you."

The tears spilled down Taehyung's cheeks and I had to stop myself from reaching out a hand to wipe them away.  "But I didn't mean it.  You're our friend.  We want you back in our lives."

I shook my head.  "I'm sorry Taehyung, but you... you made my position in your lives very clear.  I now realize I overstepped and I take full responsibility for that.  I can assure you it won't happen again."

"Please.  Please don't do this." Jimin's voice bordered on hysterical and I so badly wanted to hug him, tell him it was okay, and tell him I loved him but I held myself back.  "You never overstepped a boundary.  You didn't.  I swear."  Jimin rubbed his chest, his eyes filled with pain.  "What can I say?  What can I do to make this better?  Please?  Please forgive me.  Please forgive us." 

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