Chapter 14

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I was just entering the graphic design department to check the progress of a design when I heard an excited squeal. I smiled, knowing only one man who could make that noise. I turned and saw Jimin, with his arms around Y/N, squeezing her in a bear hug.

"You're going to take the position right?" Jimin asked, his voice pleading. "Please say you're going to take it. Tell me you're not leaving me!"

I rolled my eyes at his words. I knew Jungkook was planning to meet with Y/N this morning to offer her the position. I didn't want to admit but I was more than excited for her to be joining the company permanently. The fact that she would be working with me was even better.

"Yes Jimin," Y/N replied, her voice filled with amusement. "I'm going to accept it, but are you mad?" I could hear the worry in her voice.

"Why would I be mad lovely?" Jimin asked, his voice filled with concern.

I could see Y/N hesitate. "Well Mr. Jeon offered me Suho's position," she said, her voice soft.

"Oh lovely, I know. I recommended you for that position. I'm so happy that my little protégée is going to be working with me!" Jimin said, his voice filled with excitement.

"Hey! Don't forget I helped too!" Kai argued, his voice filled with fake irritation. "Now she's going to be my boss."

I saw Y/N turn to Kai, the worry still on her face. Kai smiled and hugged her. "No worries Y/N. I'm excited for you, I promise," he reassured her, making her smile. "Are you excited to work more closely with Mr. Kim?"

I could tell Kai didn't know about the strained relationship between Y/N and me by the way she tensed up at the mention of my name. "Um... well I'm not going to be working with Mr. Kim. Mr. Jeon has decided I will be working with Hoseok," she replied, her voice filled with what sounded like relief.

"What?" I couldn't stop myself from blurting out the words. Why had Jungkook decided to take her away from me? What was going on? I stomped over and placed my hands on the desk where Y/N was seated. "Say that again," I demanded, my heart breaking a little when she flinched away from me.

Y/N's eyes were wide when she looked at me. "Mr.... Mr. Jeon decided I will be working with Hoseok," she said, her words soft.

Y/N's words barely left her mouth before I stalked out of the design department and over to the elevator. I slammed my hand on the button for the elevator then ran a hand through my hair. I was angry and upset and I couldn't even understand why. Even though Y/N would still be working on the floor, the fact that she would be working closely with Hoseok caused something strange to happen to my heart.

I got off on the top floor and made my way towards Jungkook's office. Mark was seated at his desk when I stomped in. "Mr. Kim?" Mark questioned, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Is he in?" I demanded, gesturing angrily towards Jungkook's office. Mark nodded, but said nothing else. I wrenched the door open and Jungkook looked up in surprise from where he was seated at his desk. "Want to explain to me what the hell is going on?"

Jungkook leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow at my outburst. He was my friend yes, but he was also the CEO of a multimillion dollar company and my boss. At the moment, in his expertly tailored black suit, he looked every inch the successful CEO and not reminiscent of the doe eyed boy I had met so many years ago. "Explain what to you?" he asked, his voice calm.

"Why did you take Y/N away from me? I thought we agreed..." I began, but Jungkook cut me off.

"We agreed that she would be the best candidate for the Assistant position. I made the decision to put Y/N with Hoseok," Jungkook replied, his voice still calm and steady.

"Damn it JK!" I spat out, my irritation getting the best of me. "Why did you take her from me?" I didn't understand what was happening. Yes I had fucked up but that was several weeks ago. We had been working fine together since then even if she was excessively polite and professional. Y/N hadn't called me by name, refused all my offers to get coffee, or even walk out with her, making up an excuse time about needing the ladies' room and it being unnecessary for me to wait for her.

Jungkook stood up and approached me, gesturing me to sit in a chair. I hesitated for a moment but the look on his face had me changing my mind immediately. "Look Jin. This was not the easiest decision to make, but it is what is best for the company. Y/N is not exactly comfortable around you. You know that as well as I do," Jungkook explained, running his hand through his dark hair. "She's an excellent designer and unfortunately I have the feeling that if her position were to remain with you, she might have refused the job. That was not a risk I was willing to take."

"I apologized to her," I argued, my voice almost sounding like a whine. "Y/N's been working fine with me." Jungkook raised an eyebrow and I amended my statement. "Fine. She's been polite and professional with me. Only me." The reminder of that bothered me more than I wanted to admit. The beautiful woman would have a warm look and a bright smile on her face when she talked to anyone, especially Jimin and Taehyung. However as soon as her gaze was directed at me, her eyes would turn frosty and the smile would be almost bored looking.

Jungkook sighed. "I hate to admit it Jin, but you may have fucked this up beyond repair. I have to put the needs of the company first. Y/N is the best candidate for the job and the risk of losing her was too great. I'm sorry but my decision is final," Jungkook declared, his tone indicating the end of the conversation.

I wanted to argue with him, but I knew that tone. I knew that look. He was not going to back down on this one no matter how close we were. I sighed in defeat and exited his office with a quick goodbye. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I knew he was right. Y/N was good. Really good. If she were to have to work with me on a more permanent basis then she might really have left. She was still going to be in the design department but she would be spending more time with Hoseok. I didn't want to admit, even to myself, that I was jealous. I had seen Y/N with Hoseok. The smiles she gave him, the sweet giggle when he teased her. I knew Janeul adored Y/N and was secretly hoping that Y/N would end up dating her son. The idea of Hoseok and Y/N together made me sick to my stomach. It was not something I could think about.

I arrived back to my office and Hana gave me a tight smile as I walked in. This was a smile reserved for when someone she knew I didn't want to see had come to my office. "Hello Mr. Kim," she said, her voice showing her irritation. "Mr. Lee is here to see you." She gestured towards my office and I saw the older man sitting opposite my desk.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks Hana," I replied then walked into my office. "How can I help you Mr. Lee?" I had not talked to him or his horrendous daughter since she was fired from the company back in June.

"Mr. Kim I will only take a moment of your time," Mr. Lee said shortly. "It's about Mina."

I cut him off quickly. "I apologize Mr. Kim, but your daughter and I have nothing to do with each other," I snapped.

Mr. Lee's eyes widened. "I was under the impression that you and my daughter were... close," he said, waving his hand in the air.

I shook my head. "No. We had one date, if you could call it that, and nothing more. There has never been anything between your daughter and me," I countered. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Please refrain from using the company time to approach me about personal affairs that have nothing to do with me." I pulled a sheaf of papers toward myself, effectively dismissing him. Mr. Lee sat there for a moment more but when he realized I was not going to acknowledge him anymore, he stood with a sigh and exited the office. I leaned back in my chair with a sigh. At least that was one less problem I had to deal with.

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