Chapter 59

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Jimin POV:

"Please Tae. Please hurry." I couldn't stop the tears that continually spilled down my cheeks, the sobs that tried to steal my breath away as I thought of Y/N, my son being in a potentially dangerous situation. My hands were shaking and I tried to clasp them between my knees to stop the tremors but nothing helped. It felt as though I were going to throw up and the fear that I was feeling was threatening to take me over, break me down into a shattered mess of whom I used to be, a shadow of my former self.

I tried to be calm, but the horror that was clear in her text message kept flashing through my mind, the terrified please jimin somones in the housse please help mee helpo uus. Reassuring her I would be there soon, I had grabbed Taehyung by the wrist and dragged him off the bed, shoving his shoes and jacket at him. Taehyung had barely had time to slip his shoes on before I was grabbing the keys and tugging him out the door. I tried to explain what was going on as I went to get in the driver's seat, but Taehyung had gently taken my hand and forcing me into the passenger seat. When I finally managed to word the situation, Taehyung's face had paled and his mouth had dropped open in horror. The squeal of tires as he left the hotel parking lot was enough to let me know that he was just as worried as I was, filled with just as much panic.

"I'm trying baby. I promise you." Taehyung reached over and grabbed my hands, prying them apart and lacing them with his. His other hand gripped the steering wheel and I could see the white in his knuckles from the ironclad grip he had on it.

As he drove, the only thing I could do was pray. That and cry. The tears were streaming down my cheeks and I felt like I was going to be sick. My mind was filled with thoughts of Y/N and Jaehyun, the woman I loved and my son. Was I going to lose them before I had a chance to make things right? Before I had a chance to get to know my son? Before I had a chance to be a dad?

"Stop thinking negatively baby. It's going to be okay. We're... we're going to make it. I'm going... I'm going to get you there in time. Things are going to be okay." I could tell by the shakiness in Taehyung's voice that he was nervous, that his words were just for me, to try and calm me down, but they weren't helping either of us.

I was so scared that we weren't going to get there in time, that no matter what we did, it wasn't going to be enough.

Within moments, Taehyung was pulling up in front of the house that Y/N had been sharing with Mark. There was already a police car in the driveway and I had the door open and was jumping out of the car before Taehyung even pulled it to a stop.

"Jimin! Wait!" I heard Taehyung's voice behind me, but it went in one ear and out the other. The police car was empty and I prayed that they had made it in time. Running up the porch steps, I wrenched the door open and let out a panicked shout as I heard the gun go off. I rushed towards the stairs, almost tripping over a figure at the bottom. My heart fell to my stomach, but I felt a momentary sense of relief when I realized it wasn't Y/N, but Mark. He had a gun shot wound to the chest and I could tell by the empty eyes that he was gone. Although I was relieved it wasn't Y/N, I felt a rush of sadness and guilt. Mark was a good guy and had taken care of my family when I couldn't, when I wasn't there.

Although everything in me was telling me to stop, I hurried up the stairs. I could hear the sounds of yelling, of crying and it made me worry that I was too late. The bedroom was open, hanging off the hinges and I wanted to sob in relief when I saw Y/N huddled on the floor, Jaehyun in her arms.

I rushed to her side and gathered her in my arms. Looking over, I could see Jin on the floor, his hands clutched over his stomach as a police officer tried to stem the flow of bleeding. A second officer had a woman down on the ground, snapping metal cuffs around her wrists and when she looked up, I recognized Mina.

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