Chapter 39

397 27 2

January 2016


"I got it!  I got it!  I got!"  I couldn't help the excitement spilling from my voice as I relayed the news to Jin on the other end of the line.  "I got the commission!"

"See?  I told you that you would.  And you were so worried."  I could hear the scolding tone in his voice as he spoke.  "I told you that you were talented.  Hobi and me used to tell you all the time.  It's why Kookie gave you the position he did after your internship was over."

"I... I know."  The slight change in my voice was slight, but I knew he could hear it.  No matter how happy I was working at Alex's company, I still missed the presence of the other guys, spending the time with them that I did. 

"How about we go celebrate tonight?  I can call the guys up and see if they want to meet us for dinner and drinks."  After the fire in the apartment, things between me and the rest of the guys, especially Jimin and Taehyung, seemed to get back to normal.  I didn't spend alone time with them like I used to, but I was willing to join all of them when they all me up.  Although we were all happier, I could sense a sadness still in Jimin and Taehyung, especially when I refused to spend time with them alone.  Taehyung still wouldn't explain what was going through his mind and at this point, I decided to just let it go.

"Sounds good to me.  I'm leaving work now so I'll be home in 30."  The idea of spending time with the rest of the guys made me happy and I readily agreed.

"Alright baby.  I'm getting off in 15 minutes so I'll be there soon.  I love you."

"I love you too."

I disconnected the call and stuck the phone in my bag then shut down my computer, making sure my desk was neat and organized for Monday.  The rest of the graphic design department had left 15 minutes ago, but Alex had asked me to stay, wanting to relay the information about the commission and I was only too happy to stay.  Taking the elevator down to the parking garage, I headed over to my car, getting in and starting it. 

I drove over to Jin's condo then took the elevator up to the penthouse, wanting to get a quick shower before dinner tonight.  After washing my hair and body, I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me.  A jingle of keys indicated Jin was home and just as I pulled on my bra and panties, he sauntered into the bedroom.

"Hey baby."  Moving close to me, he pulled me into his arms, his hands sliding down and gripping onto my ass.  Dipping his head down, he captured my lips with his, a long slow kiss that set fire to my body and I almost wanted to skip the whole dinner and just spend the evening in his arms. 

Pulling back, I gave him a smile.  "Hey."

Hugging me tightly for a moment, Jin kissed my nose then released me.  "I'm going to take a quick shower.  The guys are meeting us in an hour."

Nodding my head, I turned to the closet to pull out my clothes.  Knowing we were probably going to their favorite restaurant, I chose a simple pair of jeans and a long sleeve black silky shirt that was open in the back.  It was one of Jin's favorites of mine, something he always said I looked beautiful in.  After getting dressed, I dried my hair, leaving it to fall naturally around my shoulders.  I applied makeup, keeping it simple.  By the time I was done, Jin had just come out of the bathroom, wearing a long sleeve black button up shirt and a pair of black jeans that clung to his long legs.

Moving to his side, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his lips down to meet mine.  "Can't we just stay here and celebrate with me and you?"

Jin grinned but then shook his head.  "Sorry baby.  Already made plans with the guys.  But we can celebrate when we get home.  I'll make it up to you."

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