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A/N 1:  Be ready for the sweetness, followed by the smut.  A lot of smut!  Enjoy!


"Are you ready to go sweets?"  I turned to see Taehyung standing behind me, a smile on his handsome face.  He looked stunning in the royal blue shirt he wore.  His black pants clung to his long legs and wanted to drool at how good he looked, how sexy. 

After all the stressful situations, we had been dealing with, Jimin and Taehyung had decided to plan an evening out for the three of us.  Jungkook and Namjoon were watching Jaehyun, who was more than happy to go to Uncle Kook's house for a sleepover.  Although I had been worried about how Jaehyun would react meeting even more new people, he had adapted perfectly.  Him and Jungkook had hit it off right away, Jaehyun declaring to anyone that would listen that Jungkook was his new best friend.  I think it made Jimin a little envious since he had immediately picked his son up, covering his face in kisses.

It had been hilarious watching the interactions between Jaehyun and the guys.  He had ended up loving all of them and it had helped to fill the gap in his heart left by the death of Mark.  It had been a week since Jaehyun's last nightmare and I knew spending time with Jimin and Taehyung helped to calm Jaehyun's fears of everyone in his life leaving him.

"You still with us lovely?" Jimin's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I turned to face him.  He had donned a white silk shirt that showcased his petite frame and looked so handsome that I couldn't believe this man was mine.  "We wanted to match with you."  He pointed to himself then Taehyung.

I looked down at my dress and grinned.  I had chosen a royal blue and white one, something a little sexy, a little fancy.  Looking back up at Jimin, I eyed the both of them.  "Wow.  You guys look handsome."

Taehyung grinned and moved to my side, pressing his lips against mine in a sweet kiss.  "And you, sweets, look stunning."  I blushed at his words and he pinched my cheek, a grin on his handsome face.

Jimin held out a hand to me and Taehyung took my other one.  "Come on lovely.  Our evening awaits."  Letting Jimin lead us, I followed him down the stairs and although I expected him to head out the front door, he went to the sliding glass doors that led to the patio instead.  When he opened the doors, my mouth dropped open in shock.  While I had been out for my spa days the guys had insisted on, the backyard of the beautiful house we shared had been transformed. 

Fairy lights had been strung in the trees, giving it a soft glow.  The firepit was lit, the flames flickering gently and a pretty table was set in the middle of the stone patio.  There were candles on every available surface and a silver cart filled with covered plates.  Soft romantic music played in the background, setting the scene.  I looked over at Taehyung and he grinned.  "Yoongi came earlier while you were gone and cooked dinner for us.  We thought you might like this more than being in a restaurant or something else.  Somewhere the three of us could be alone."

After the incident with Jin and the years of always looking over my shoulder, I was still hesitant to go out in public and knowing they had thought of that touched my heart, making me feel warm and soft inside.  "Is this oaky?"  Jimin's voice was nervous, his hand running through his blond hair.

Squeezing his hand, I reached up and kissed his cheek then did the same to Taehyung.  "This is beautiful and perfect.  Better than anything I could have imagined."

Taehyung grinned and led me over to the table.  It had pretty china set for the three of us and there were white carnations in a glass vase on the center of the table.  The attention to detail they put into it was perfect and if I doubted their love before, it was clear as glass right now.  He pulled out my chair and when I sat down, he dropped a kiss on the top of my head before taking his own seat.

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