Chapter 50

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December 2016:

Hoseok POV:

"Do we have to go?" I looked over at Yoongi, whose face was scrunched up as he adjusted his tie.

I brushed a hand over his hair then kissed his cheek. "Yes. Jin is our friend."

Yoongi shook his head. "Was our friend. Key word being was. When was the last time you talked to him? I mean really talked to him?"

My heart hurt at his blunt words, but I knew Yoongi was right. It had been months since I had a real conversation with Jin, one that didn't involve work, but here we were. Getting ready to attend his wedding and watch him marry a woman he said he hated. When I had first received the wedding invitation, I didn't want to believe it, but it was true. Jin was marrying Mina and nothing I said could change that. None of us had been willing to even approach him about it. Every time their relationship was questioned, Jin would erupt in anger. The friendship between the seven of us had essentially disintegrated, breaking all of our hearts in the process.

"Any word on Y/N?" Yoongi's question was soft and when I looked over at him, the ever-present sadness was evident in his eyes.

I shook my head. Two months ago, a mystery woman named Mirena had contacted Jimin, letting him know that Y/N was all right, that she was safe, but we hadn't heard anything since. I knew the separation was driving Jimin and Taehyung crazy since it was driving us all crazy, but I also knew there was something else going on. There was something Jimin and Taehyung knew that they were keeping from us and it drove me crazy. However, tonight I was going to hear it all.

Reaching over, I took Yoongi's hand and squeezed it. I knew he missed Y/N so much. It was the first person outside of our friend group that had been able to reach him, the first one that had broken through the barrier of sarcasm, bad attitude, and too much coffee. After finding out that she was alive, it calmed some of the fears we all had, but it wasn't the same as her being here. Not by a long shot. Taking Yoongi's hand, I gave him a gentle tug, a silent indicator that we had to go.

The drive to the venue was short, filled with silence, one that hung heavy over our hearts. The idea of Jin marrying Mina was enough to darken up the day. For me, it was hard to believe that this was the same guy that was so excited to propose to Y/N. The look on his face when he bought the ring was enough to show me that he really loved her. If I 'd known that he would give up so quickly, I never would've encouraged the relationship.

I stopped the car in the parking lot and turned to give Yoongi an encouraging smile. I knew he didn't want to be here, but it felt like the right thing to do. We got out of the car and headed up toward the building. I had to admit it was a pretty fancy place, lots of stained glass windows and beautiful flowers. I may not like Mina but I had to admit that she had taste. It was more elegant then I would've expected for Jin and I was surprised he agreed to it. When he mentioned proposing, he had talked about a much less extravagant wedding, nothing like the circus I was sure was going to happen.

Walking into the building, the scent of roses was almost enough to overwhelm me. They were gathered on every surface, almost threatening to spill over. The foyer with it simplistic beauty would've been enough, but clearly Mina wanted extravagant. From the look on Yoongi's Face, I could tell he was feeling the same thing. We stood there awkwardly, looking around when a hand on my shoulder had me turning.

Jimin and Taehyung were standing behind me, dressed in nice suits, holding hands. I could see the uncomfortable look in Jimin's eyes and knew he wanted to be here just as much as we did. "Hey Hobi." Jimin's voice was soft as he spoke, very different from the man I had known. I knew he was missing Y/N and I wish there was something I could do to help.

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