Chapter 8

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I let myself into my flat that evening thinking of the interaction with Kim Seokjin. I couldn't believe how incredibly handsome the man was. No wonder that Mina woman was so into him. If he wasn't my boss and completely unavailable, I might have even developed a crush on him. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. That was definitely something I was not going to get involved in.

As handsome as Jin was, I was still a little disappointed at the way Hoseok's request to keep me working for him was so quickly denied. I had really enjoyed working for Hoseok the last two days. He was funny and so nice. I was happy that I would still be working with Jimin. Although he was a little outrageous, he was one of the sweetest people I had ever met in my life.

I was embarrassed thinking back to my reaction to Hana. The kind of close-minded thinking she had mentioned always pissed me off. I hated when people treated others differently simply because of who they loved. Jimin and Taehyung had been exceptionally welcoming and deserved to be treated with kindness and respect. I definitely felt more protective than I should over the two younger men.

I shook my head to clear the thoughts of work away. I looked in the fridge and noticed it was empty. Damn it. I needed to go grocery shopping but it was too late for that. I picked up my phone and called in for takeout then decided to change out of my work clothes while I was waiting. I stripped off my dress clothes and dropped them in the hamper in my bathroom. I pulled on a purple t-shirt and a pair of black and purple flannel pants.

When the knock came a short while later, I eagerly answered, starving for the food on the other side. I paid the delivery driver then took the bags into the kitchen. I pulled the containers out of the bag, grabbed utensils and a bottle of water and brought everything into the living room. I set it on the coffee table then turned on Netflix, looking for something good to watch. I settled on a movie and made myself comfortable.

After the movie ended, I cleaned up my leftovers, sticking them in the fridge. I went into my room and settled myself in bed, thinking of the blond haired angel I met today.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual. I hadn't slept well the night before. My mind was too occupied with the meeting with Kim Seokjin. His angelic looks had kept my brain on overdrive the entire night. Including the almost possessive way he had said "she's mine" when Hoseok asked if I could remain as his intern.

Although the man was gorgeous, the idea of working for him made me extremely nervous. The Mina lady made me nervous. She seemed to be a very jealous and possessive girlfriend and I didn't want to be anywhere near her.

I shook the thoughts of Jin out of my mind and showered for work. I put my damp hair in a braid then slipped on gray dress pants and pale blue shirt that was cinched in at the waist and hung just below my hips. I added a pair of black flats for comfort and I was ready to go. I grabbed my bag, phone and keys then left my flat to make the short walk to the company.

After entering the glass doors, I gave the receptionist at the desk a wave then headed towards the elevator. I had just pressed the button when I heard my name called. I turned to see Jimin and Taehyung headed towards me, bright smiles on their faces. I gave a quick glance to their clothes. These boys sure knew how to dress. Jimin had on a black silky shirt and black pants that clung to his thick thighs. Taehyung was a little more subdued in a white button down shirt and black dress pants, but looked just as handsome.

"Good morning lovely," Jimin said sweetly, as he approached me.

"Good morning. How are the two of you this morning?" I asked politely, just as the elevator arrived. I stepped into the elevator, the two boys following behind me.

Taehyung slung an arm around my shoulder, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Why so polite this morning?" he asked, giving me a wink.

Jimin put an arm around my waist and nuzzled into my neck. "Oh my gosh. Your perfume smells like vanilla cupcakes. You smell so delicious!" he exclaimed.

I blushed at his words. I don't know why these two kept comparing my scent to food but it did make me smile.

We made small talk in the elevator before Jimin and I got out on the 23rd floor. Jimin squealed when Taehyung gave his butt a pinch before we stepped out. "See ya later my loves," he said with a smile for the both of us as the door closed.

Jimin put his arm back around my waist and chattered the whole way to Jin's office. He was telling me about the movie him and Taehyung had watched the night before.

We walked into the design department and made our way over to Jimin's workspace. He continued to talk as he powered up his computer and tablet. He pulled a pink sticky off the desk and handed it to me. It was from Hana and was requesting I come into Jin's office when I arrived.

We stopped in front of the office door and Jimin placed a hand on my arm to stop me from opening the door. "What's got you so distracted lovely?" he asked, a small pout on his full lips and a hand on his hip.

"Uhh... nothing," I said. "Just some things on my mind." I didn't want to admit I had been worried about going back into the office just in case that Mina lady came in.

Jimin put a hand on his cheek and I almost melted at the adorable gesture. "Hmmm... you wouldn't be thinking about a sexy guy with blond hair, would you?" he asked.

How did he know I was thinking about Jin? The look of horror on my face must have been obvious because Jimin laughed.

"No worries lovely," Jimin said with a smile. "I think about how beautiful you are too."

My heart calmed down when I realized he had been talking about himself. I gave him a dry laugh. "Yes Jimin. Just can't get my mind off you," I said, rolling my eyes.

Jimin let out another laugh, hugged me then opened the door to the office, ushering me in. Hana was already seated at her desk when I stepped into the office, Jimin trailing behind me. "Good morning Ms. Hana," I said to Jin's secretary.

"Good morning Y/N. I see you've got an admirer this morning," Hana replied, pointing to Jimin who had walked up behind me and buried his nose in my hair.

I shrugged with a smile and Jimin laughed. "Oh don't be silly Hana Banana. I'm her admirer every day," he said.

Hana laughed at his cute antics then gestured towards Jin's door. "Mr. Kim wanted to see you as soon as you arrived," she said.

I thanked her and headed towards the partially open door. Jimin leaned up against Hana's desk, telling her about the movie and I smiled as I heard tidbits of the conversation. I knocked lightly on the frame and pushed it open when I heard Jin call "come in."

"Good morning Mr. Kim," I said politely. "You wanted to see me?"

Forgotten (Jin X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora