Chapter 55

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A/N:  Sorry for the delayed post, but it's here!

October 2017


"You don't think there's too many balloons?" I looked over at Mark, as I finished tying up the bright red balloon who grinned and shook his head.

"It's Jae's first birthday. He'll only get a first birthday one time. It's special. Might as well go all out, right?" Mark handed me another balloon, this one a royal blue.

Laughing at Mark's words, I nodded. "Yeah. You're right. It's a special day for Jae." I looked towards the stairs where my one-year-old son was still asleep. I had been up for the last hour, blowing up balloons and hanging streamer around the living room and kitchen. Mark had been right by my side, helping me decorate for the small birthday party we had planned.

"Mirena should be here around 2. She said she had to make a stop on the way." Mark reached out for the balloon I had just finished, attaching it to two others, a bright green and sunshine yellow. "I'll pick up the cake at 12 and the food should be here at 1:30. I'll make sure I'm back in time to get the food."

Although we hadn't heard much in the last ten months, both Mark and Mirena still hovered over me like protective mother bears. I was still missing Jimin and Taehyung like crazy, but Mirena had explained that there was still too much uncertainty with Jin and Mina. Apparently, Jin was still in the facility, but I didn't know much more than that. I knew Mirena was hesitant to tell me anything and I wasn't sure if it was because she was afraid I was still in love with him or afraid that it would send me spiraling backwards.

I hadn't seen Jin since I last saw him in the coffee shop with Mina. He had looked at me as though he had no idea who I was and it had shattered me. Knowing he was married to the bitch that had come between us had made everything worse, but I knew for my sake and my sanity, it was best to move on. To push him from my mind and try to focus on the most important person in my life, my son.

"You awake over there?" Mark's voice cut through my inner monologue and I shook myself out of my thoughts. "I was asking if you wanted some pancakes? I was... I was going to make breakfast."

"Sure. That sounds good." I gave Mark a grin and he nodded then headed into the kitchen, leaving me alone in the living room.

As I listened to the sounds of pans and Mark's customary humming, I couldn't help but smile. Mark had been absolutely amazing over the last year with Jaehyun. He had stepped into help me take care of my son, making sure we both had everything we needed. More than once, I would walk into the room and see Mark with Jaehyun in his arms. He would walk my son around the room, pointing out different things, from stereo equipment to books to movies. He would tell Jaehyun about his favorite books or his favorite songs. My son would just lie in Mark's arms, his eyes transfixed on the man's face as he spoke.

Jaehyun was just as enamored with Mark as the man was with him. He would grin and clap his hands when Mark returned from the store, babbling nonstop in his adorable baby language. When Jaehyun took his first steps, it was Mark's arms he walked into, happily hugging the man who cheered and celebrated. Mark knew Jaehyun's favorite shows and I would melt on the inside when I saw the two of them snuggled on the sofa, both sets of eyes on the television, both just as amused by the cute little cartoon characters.

As time went on, Mark and I had grown extremely close and I knew he would do anything for my son and me. He had become my confidante, my best friend, and a father figure to Jaehyun. When my son called Mark dada for the first time, I thought the man would cry. Mark had looked at me in shock, the surprise written all over his face. His eyes were wide, with a hint of worry behind the beautiful brown, almost as though he were expecting me to be angry. I merely smile, giving Mark the choice of what he wanted Jaehyun to call him. The nickname of Papa Mark had come so easily and it made Mark happy.

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