Chapter 26

459 34 3

November 2015


"Alright Alex. If you have nothing else for me then I'm heading out."

Alex gave me a wave and a grin. "No. It's all good Y/N. Have a great evening and I'll see you tomorrow."

I left the office and headed out to the elevator. As I waited for it to arrive, I thought about how much my life had changed in the month. Jungkook had done as promised and had found me a new Assistant Graphic Designer position in a company run by an old classmate. Alex was a year younger than me and one of the most polite people I had ever met. He was highly intelligent and reminded me a lot of Jungkook, the same tenacious personality that made his company extremely successful.

I hadn't spoken to any of the guys from the company since the day I left, choosing to cut off all connections. Well none of them except Jin. Jimin and Taehyung had sent me hundreds of messages and called me just as many times until I finally blocked them. I was still so angry and hurt by what Taehyung had said to me and I just couldn't forgive him. I did feel guilty for avoiding Jimin as well, but Taehyung had made it perfectly clear what my place in their life was, or more accurately, what it wasn't.

I stepped into the elevator, trying to distract myself from thinking of the two of them. I had tried to push the thoughts of them aside, but I missed them so damn much that it was driving me absolutely crazy. Jin had been extremely understanding and caring about the whole situation, trying to reassure me that I had done nothing wrong, that I had not been inappropriate with any of the guys in the company, but I couldn't help the feelings of shame that kept consuming my thoughts. I kept thinking back to the movie nights where I would be snuggled on the sofa with Jimin and Taehyung. Looking back now, I can see how inappropriate it was and I vowed never to get involved in something like that again.

As I got of the elevator, my cell phone rang. I looked down and saw a name I hadn't seen in a while – Jung Hoseok. After hesitating a moment, I accepted the call. "Hello?"

"Y/N? You answered? Oh my goodness. I wasn't expecting you too. Um... I mean... how are you?" Hoseok's voice sounded excited and nervous at the same time, almost as though he was expecting me to yell at him.

"I'm doing well. How are you?" I kept my tone polite, not wanting to get drawn back into the comfort level I had previously had with him.

"Good. Good. I miss you. We all do. It's been a rough time the last month." Hoseok's voice instantly turned sad.

I hesitated not knowing what to say. "Was... was there something you needed Mr. Jung?"

Hoseok sighed before speaking. "Please Y/N. Please don't do that. Don't speak to me in that polite tone. We... we were closer than that." Hoseok was silent for a moment and I didn't try and say anything. "Can... can we see you? Yoongi and me. We... we miss you Y/N."

"I'm sorry but I don't think that's a good idea." Although I missed Hoseok and his sunny smile, I knew that seeing him would bring back old habits and I didn't want to risk doing that. He had a good thing going with Yoongi and I didn't want anyone to think I was trying to come in between them like they said about me with Jimin and Taehyung. "I'm sorry, but I need to go. Ummm... take care of yourself." Before Hoseok could protest, I disconnected the call then shoved the phone in my pocket.

I got into my car and drove the short distance to my flat, the same one I had found when I first began interning at JJK Enterprises. Jin had asked me several times to move in with him, but I wasn't ready yet. Our relationship was still too new and on top of that, I knew the other guys would visit his place and I definitely wasn't ready to confront them. So for now, our relationship consisted of dates and sweet goodnights at the door. We hadn't had sex yet, but I was definitely ready for it. We had made out several times, but never going further than some touching each other through our clothes. Jin always held himself back from moving on and I always wondered why. Maybe he didn't think I was ready, but I really was. Maybe I needed to start making plans on how to take it further.

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