Chapter 11

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A/N: Double update.  Please read Chapter 10 first.

Jimin POV:

I sat at the table in front of Y/N, still in shock from what just happened with Jin. I couldn't believe that one of my closest friends had just done that to me. Y/N looked over at me, her eyes filled with worry. She moved from her seat and sat next to me, putting an arm around my shoulder.

I thought about what Jin had said. Had I really crossed the line with her? The thought made me sick. "I'm... I'm sorry Y/N," I said, looking down at the table, picking at one of my fingernails.

Y/N gave me a strange look. "Sorry for what?" she asked, her voice confused.

I shrugged. "I know I can be a bit... much," I replied quietly. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just feel comfortable around you."

Y/N's eyes darkened and my heart dropped even further. I didn't want her to be made at me.

"Don't even listen to him Jimin," Y/N said, her voice filled with conviction. "If it bothered me, trust me I would tell you."

I looked at Y/N in surprise. She wasn't mad at me, but mad at Jin. I was caught off guard by her words.

"Hey! Already starting the party without me loves?" a voice called. I turned to see my TaeTae making his way over to the table, a bright smile on his handsome face. His smiled dropped as he approached me. He sat next to me on the other side, putting an arm around my waist. "What's the matter babe?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Y/N dropped her arm and moved to the other side of the table. I wanted to protest at her movement but restrained myself. I explained the situation to Tae and was not surprised at the look of anger on his face.

Y/N reached over and took my hand. "Don't worry about it Jimin," she said, her voice gentle. "It was an asshole thing to say. Don't even think about it anymore."

I squeezed her hand, not wanting to let go. Y/N was already special to me and a good friend. Usually people didn't react well to Tae and me, but Y/N treated us just like anyone else. We can't help it if we're loud and overly affectionate. Tae and I had both taken to Y/N and I swear if I weren't in a committed relationship, I would be half in love with her already. Even if she was a girl. There was just something about her that drew me in. After talking to Tae last night, I knew he felt the same about her. She was just so kind and welcoming.

Hobi had called Tae last night and explained what happened with Hana. We've never had anyone who doesn't know us come to our defense like that. It just made her even more endearing to me. When Jin had mentioned the sexual harassment, it had made my heart stop in my throat at the thought that I was being inappropriate with her. She was my friend already and I would never want to do anything to make her feel awkward or out of place.

Tae, Y/N and I sat there and enjoyed our lunch. I tried to take Y/N's advice and take my mind off what Jin had said. It worked and by the time, we had finished I felt much better. I really did enjoy joking around with Y/N and I didn't want to do anything to fuck it up.

As we headed out of the cafeteria, I saw Jin entering with Kookie and Hobi. Kookie looked at me and gave me a sad smile. I knew right away that Jin had told him about what happened. Jin looked at me and took a step towards me, but Y/N caught the action and tugged on my shirt.

"Jimin? Can you help me with something? Kai asked me to deliver some things to the production floor. I don't know where that is," she asked.

I nodded my head at her. "Sure," I said, giving her a smile and following her out of the cafeteria. I wasn't ready to face Jin yet and Y/N had just given me the out I needed.

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