Chapter 29

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The next morning I woke up, deliciously sore from the previous night.  The first time with Jin had gone better than I had expected.  He was soft, sweet and gentle.  So different from the last experience I had so long ago.  That time had made me shy away from sex and any other type of intimacy.  However, with one night, Jin had managed to change it all.  When I turned my head, he was still sound asleep, his cheek squished against the pillow and the soft look on his face making him look younger, more innocent and it made me fall in love with him all over again.

As I lay there, I couldn't help but think about the conversation we had about Jimin and Taehyung.  Knowing that they were hurting because of our broken friendship caused a shattering in my heart, one that made every inch of me grieve.  The events that had taken place had me completely conflicted, not sure what to do.  Part of me had wanted to rush into their arms, but the other part of me held back, unsure of what to do, the pain still too fresh to just let it go.  Unfortunately, no matter how bad Taehyung had hurt me, the sorrow on Jimin's face and the way he had buried his head in his arms was seared in my brain, along with the tears on Taehyung's face. 

A stirring from beside me had me turning my attention to Jin, who was beginning to wake up.  His pretty eyes opened and he blinked twice, his eyes searching my face, almost as though he expected me to disappear.  His pale pink hair was an adorable mess and when he grinned at me, my heart stuttered happily.  "So it wasn't just a dream, huh?" Jin's morning voice was husky, even deeper than normal and it caused a flood of arousal to wash over me.

I shook my head.  "Doesn't look like it, huh?" Jin's smile grew bigger as he leaned forward, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips.  I had been hesitant to take that next step with him, not knowing where the relationship was going, but I'm glad we did.  That closeness with him had helped to heal a hole in my heart, caused by both a past relationship I didn't want to remember and a broken friendship that I missed way more than I was willing to admit. 

Jin wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his head into my neck, pulling me closer.  "I love you Y/N.  I've... I've wanted to tell you for a while, but it just never seemed like the right time.  I know it seemed like I said it last night in the heat of the moment, but that's not true.  I'm so in love with you and I can't imagine being without you."  Jin's eyes searched my face once again, as though he were looking for any indication that his feelings weren't reciprocated, but I gave him a soft smile in reply.

Running a hand through his already disheveled hair, I pulled him close and kissed his lips gently.  "I love you too Jin.  And I'm not saying that just to say it or just to make you feel better.  I'm saying it because you make me so happy, happier than I have been in a long time, happier than I deserve."  Jin's love and gentleness with me helped ease the hurt I had been feeling for a long time.  A hurt that I kept locked in my chest and deep within my mind.  A hurt that I know he needed to hear about if I wanted this relationship to go any further, if I wanted a future with him.

Sensing my hesitation, Jin tipped my chin up to look at him.  "I know you have something on your mind baby.  You can tell me.  You can tell me and I swear to you that I wont judge you.  I'll just listen if you want me to."

The softness in Jin's eyes helped to crumble part of a wall I had built up so long ago, one that I had created to heal a broken heart and even more broken spirit.  I took a deep breath then wrapped my arms around his neck, needing the solid feel of him next to me.  "I... I know you and Hobi wonder about my... my age and why I was so much older than all the other interns."  Jin nodded, but said nothing.  "Well, when I graduated high school I had made plans to go to college, but my... my boyfriend at the time didn't want me to.  He... he wanted me to travel with him since he was getting his company off the ground.  I agreed, wanting to spend that time with him.  We... we... we were in love.  Or at least I thought we were."

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