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Present Day:


"Where are you Jae?" I teasingly called out. I snuck towards the tree where a head of black hair was peeking around the corner before darting back into hiding. I pushed my hair out of my face and dropped low to the ground, creeping closer.

The loud pealing of my cellphone I had shoved into my back pocket interrupted the quiet sound of the afternoon. I pulled it out and smiled, recognizing the name of my best friend, Mirena. "What's up Reenie?" I asked as I accepted the call.

"Where are you Y/N? Where's Jae?" she asked, panic lacing her voice.

"We're at home. Why? What's going on?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

Mirena took a deep breath. "They released him. He knows where you are," she replied.

My mouth dropped open in horror. "What do you mean? How does he know where I live?" I said, my voice showing my terror.

"They finished the experiments Y/N," Mirena said. "They've got him where they want him."

I looked down to see Jae creeping out from behind the tree. He came closer to my side, worry on his face. "What do I do Reenie?"

Mirena spoke quickly. "As soon as I finish these instructions, destroy your phone. They used it to track you. Pack a bag for you and Jae. Only bring the necessities. Leave your house by the back door and follow the path through the woods. When you get to the river, follow it to the right until you see a bridge. Cross the bridge and follow that path to the road. A blue car with a red bird sticker on the rear passenger side window will be waiting for you. The driver will be expecting you. He's going to bring you to the safe house."

I nodded and then realized she couldn't see me. "Okay. Got it," I said.

"And Y/N," Mirena began, "be careful. She wants you dead."

I disconnected the call then slid it back in my pocket. Jae took my hand, worry on his face. "It's okay baby," I said, brushing back his dark hair then hugging him close. "Mama's going to protect you."


I watched the girl with the dark hair bend down and hug the little boy. I looked down at the photo in my hand then looked back at the girl. There was something about the way she brushed the boy's hair back that triggered something familiar in me, but I pushed it down. This was the person that tried to take me away from my love.

I had woken up in the hospital to this girl holding my hand and saying I was her boyfriend, that we loved each other. I shuddered at the thought. I had never even seen her before. How could I love this quiet girl? She was nothing compared to my love.

I stepped back behind the tree I had been hiding behind. The boy had almost seen me but was distracted by the cell phone ringing and the words the girl spoke. I watched him go to her and stand close to her side. When she bent down and spoke to him, I realized it was her son. Where was the kid's father? There was a man who came to the house consistently, but he didn't live there. She lived alone with the kid. What kind of man didn't live with his son? I shook the thought from my head and focused myself back on the task at hand.

I left the shadows of the trees and made my way back to the dark van that was parked a few streets away. I knocked on the window and the back door opened. I slid inside, slipping off my black baseball cap that covered my blond hair. "She's there alone with the kid," I said to the woman sitting there waiting for me.

My love smiled then patted my hand. "Good boy," she said, leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine. Although her lips were soft, the kiss was hard and lacked passion.

"You... you're not going to hurt the kid, right?" I asked, worry in my voice.

My love paled at the question, but quickly brushed it off. "Of course not silly. He'll be taken care of. Your job is to get rid of the woman," she said, a smile on her face but her voice stiff.

I hesitated then finally spoke. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" I asked.

My love's smile faded. "Don't you remember what she tried to do? She tried to keep us apart," she replied. "She tried to take you away from me."

My face darkened at the memory. My love was right. This woman tried to keep me away from my love by spouting her lies of our so-called life together. "You're right my darling. I will take care of it," I replied, a quiet rage filling my voice.

My love nodded her head then patted my shoulder. "Of course you will my pet."

Later that night I headed back to the house, sneaking through the woods and to the back door. I pulled the key from my pocket that had been given to me. I slipped it into the lock and quietly turned it, making no noise. I slid the door open and stepped into the house, silent as a shadow.

I made my way through the house to the stairs at the front. I crept up the stairs and stopped outside a slightly closed door. The information that had been passed on to me informed me that this was her room. I pulled the knife from my belt and pushed the door open then stopped. The room was empty. I backed out of the room and checked the remainder of rooms in the hallway. They were all empty, including the small room next to hers with a blue toddler bed in the shape of a car and toys scattered across the floor.

I went back to her room and looked around for evidence of where they might have gone. I found nothing. Her drawers were thrown open haphazardly as though she packed in a hurry. I took a step toward the closet, stopping at the crunch of glass under my foot. I looked down to see a photo frame face down. I picked it up and my eyes widened in shock. It was a photo of the girl and a young man with pale pink hair. They were both smiling, the expressions of love clear on both of their faces. My eyes darted to the man in the photo. I unconsciously traced the familiar features, my own features. The man in the photo was me.

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