Chapter 15

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Yoongi's p.o.v

The time in the world suddenly felt slow and a abrupt smell of peaches and roses filled my nostrils. Then one word popped into my head...


My orbs turned yellow and when I finally could focus again I saw other yellow eyes staring right back at me.
Theres no way this can be happening right now, I can't believe Jimin is my mate?!

A low growl emits from my throat and my wolf is telling me to mark him, but we barley even know each other and I'm not a monster. Hell I don't want to know what would happen to me if I did mark him.

"Min Yoongi I swear to the moongodess If you don't control your inner wolf, I will and it won't be pretty." Jimin barked trying to get the alpha off of him and bring him back to his senses. I mentally slapped myself, great now he's pissed.

"Jimin please calm down, it was unintentional. You know I would never mark you unless you wanted me too." I relaxed a bit as I saw Jimin sigh in understanding. I still sensed Jimin's distress and anger, " It won't happen again, I promise."

"That better be the case or I'll tear you apart for marking my beautiful neck. It's to valuable to be touched by someone I don't know well, so be patient now is not the time." I snickered, "So your insinuating that I will be able to mark you all I want correct." the younger blushed and gave me a death glare. Wow he's cute when he's mad. "If you don't stop talking, I'll be the one to bite off your neck instead." Taking his threat seriously I took a few minor step backs from the heated omega, just to be safe. I was not going to die by his hand and that's a promise.

"Alright easy there Jimin" I say. "Hmph".
I was going to say something but Namjoon came in through our mindlink, "Yoongi you son of a bitch, if you don't get your little ass back to the pack house then I'm going to destroy you!". "Aw shit he found me out" I said chuckling. "Who? Your second in command?" Jimin asks. "Yeah, he wants me to go back to the pack house immediately or he'll beat me up". "For real? Your second in command can beat you up?". "No, he only says that to threaten me but it never works".

I sigh "well looks like I have to get going then before Namjoon gets even more heated up". "Yeah that's probably for the best" Jimin says. "Are you going to stay here a bit longer?" I ask. "Yeah, I don't want to go back yet" he says.

"Okay be safe, don't stay here all night".
"I know mom, now leave" Jimin says rolling his eyes. "I take offense of you calling me a mom". "And I don't give a fuck, now go away". "Jeez your such a sassy bitch". "I know that's why you'll never beat me". "You sure about that because earlier I was the one on-", "Shut up about that already!" Jimin half yelled embarrassed. "I'm seriously going to bite you if you don't leave".

And that's my cue to leave.

"Yup goodbye, be safe, have a good night" I say then turned to run in the direction of my pack house. "Wait, Goodnight yoongi". "Goodnight Jimin".

~few minutes later~

I ran swiftly through the forest and before I reached the Pack's house gate, I shifted back into My human form. "Alpha!! you're finally back, you where gone the whole day.  We figured something bad happened to you ." One of the guards at the gate said. I sneered "Don't be so exaggerated, I can't be defeated that easily." the rest of the guards nodded "of course our alpha is the strongest." A small smile creeps up on me, with approval. "Good keep your eyes sharp and protect the house well." the guards straightened themselves up "Yes Alpha!."

They opened the gate for me to pass, leading me through a luxurious rose pathway, which seemed too glow at this time of day. Upon Entering the house, the lovely atmosphere suddenly went cold and dark. I could feel a pair of eyes starring me down from behind me "Nice of you to comeback home Yoongi, say what were you doing today eh? I went looking for you all day and just couldn't seem to find you." a deep voice exclaimed.

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