Chapter 13

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                      Namjoon's p.o.v

I'm fucking freaking out right now.


Because the damn pack alpha  is nowhere to be found. "Damn you Yoongi this better not be some foolish bullshit. I'm getting real tired of your games. When I find you, you best believe I'm going to show you a piece of my mind for leaving without a damn notice." I thought.

This has never happened before. Yoongi isn't the type to just up and leave everybody. I thought the worst; he's being held somewhere. I still have a hard time believing myself because I know how strong and ruthless he is, but  there is no other plausible explanation right now. I'm racking my brain trying to find out where he could be and sending members to find him in case something did happen to him. Goddess I really hope thats not the case.

"Namjoon hyung what's going on, why are you sending the pack's soldiers out for?" Jungkook sleepishly asks, walking into my office.

"I'm sending them out because your damn brother is missing and hasn't come back to the pack house since yesterday" I say very fast, while trying to locate surrounding areas on my laptop scanner to see if I can find any place where Yoongi could be.

"Wait what! YOONGI HYUNG IS MISSING!? How the hell is that even possible!?" He askes me all loud and exasperated.

"I don't fucking know Kook, I'm trying my best to find his dumbass cause what's a pack without it's Alpha? I don't even know if he's okay or where the hell he's at and why is it so hard to be a second in command!" I yelled stressed out already.

"I can go help looking for him. Maybe I might be able to find him." Jungkook says rushing to walk out of my office.

"No Kook, I need you to stay here in case there really is a danger out there and your brother has always told me to take care of you. He's already missing, I don't think I need you missing as well. Stay inside the pack house, don't even think about joining or sneaking out with the pack troops." I say as sternly as i could muster out.
He stands in front of me for a few more seconds trying to think of what to say and ultimately gives up, walking out of my office.

I don't think Kook will disobey me, I'm not his older brother or alpha but I know he respects me and listens to me whenever I tell him to do something.

I don't have any reason to worry.

                   ~25 minutes later~

"AH!" I yell out loudly from so much frustration and not being able to find any leads on where Yoongi could be. I let out a deep sigh and start to head over to where the pack troops are to ask if they have any leads.

When I get to where the troops are I see the man I put in charge talking to his mate.

His name is Choi Do-Yeon and his mate Jung Bong-Cha.

"CHOI!" I yell out. He turns to face me then turns back to his mate and tells her something that makes her run off happily.

Do-Yeon comes over to me and asks "Hello Namjoon, how have you've been?". "Well I was 'great' and thought it would be a "usual" day as always. But I got woken up to quite a surprise to find out our pack alpha is missing so I'm more on the frustrated side right now." I say truthfully.

"I understand, it's really strange how our alpha didn't come back home yesterday. He loves his pack and gets annoyed by us sometimes but he wouldn't disappear like this so randomly and for almost a whole day." He says slowly, thinking carefully about the situation. "I completely agree with you, I find it so bizarre as well. He wouldn't leave for this long, 2-3 hours at most but not for almost a whole day. But if I find out he is not actually in danger and probably spending a good time and left his pack worried and confused, I'm going to show his little ass a piece of my mind." I say getting angry at the thought of him not being in danger and having the absolute time of his life.

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