Chapter 36

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                  -Jungkook p.o.v-

As much as I wanted to be rescued from this cell, I was actually having a pretty good time with Jimin and Taehyung parents, chatting away.

They're telling me stories about how clumsy Jimin was as a child and how cute and rebellious Taehyung was. Of course, I mostly wanted to hear stories about Taehyung, which had me sprawled over the floor, laughing in pain because of how brave and funny he was as a child.

Apparently one time he spoiled the ending to a hunger games book to an older lady in a bookstore because he was carrying princess books and she said those books weren't for boys, so he ruined the book for her. 

Another time he put chili sauce into one of he's teacher's coffee when they weren't paying attention because the teacher blamed him for something he didn't do, and he was mad about it. He got in trouble of course but got pardoned by the principal later as he was blamed wrongfully.

"Wow I never knew Taehyung could have done such things" I giggled. "Yes, he was a very sweet child and behaved well, but get on his bad side and you'd be asking for war" Mrs. Park laughs gently. "He also worked hard and was curious in every little thing, asking questions all the time" Mr. Park chuckles.

"But those happy times stopped when that wolf attacked us and took us as his captives" his face hardens. Mrs. Park puts her hand on his shoulder to show him that he's not alone and that she's there for him. I saw the glistening tears rolling down his cheeks as he held his wife's hand, trying to maintain his heartbreaking sobs. Soon she was crying alongside him as well as me.

It was impossible to not cry.

They've been separated from their two loving sons for so long and didn't know if they we're well or not. I can feel their pain and longing, it's heart aching. I haven't been separated from Yoongi this long or Namjoon and I miss them and everybody else, but it can't ever compare to what Jimin, and Taehyung parents have been through.

I wipe my tears and speak, "If it makes you feel better" I begin, gaining their attention, "Jimin and Taehyung are well and are being protected by our mutual friends, especially Jimin" I assure them. "Really?" Mrs. Park says. "Mmhmm" I hum. "That's wonderful news to hear, if we're able to leave this utter hell one day, the first thing I'd want to do is hug my two big babies" she smiles fondly, imagining that day coming true.

"I think that's what Jimin and Taehyung would want too, seeing that their parents are still alive, they miss you guys as much as you miss them" I tell them. "It would be a dream come true" Mr. Park said, wiping his tears.

"Too bad though because that won't be happening" a dark laugh follows.

Our heads turn in the direction of the disturbing laugh sounding throughout the basement and see that man coming in our direction.

"What do you want" I sneer at the evil man in front of me. "Oh, getting confident, are we?" he smirks, walking up to me.

He looked almost fifty years old, black hair, a scar on his left cheek, well fit and dark brown eyes.

"Don't you dare touch that boy!" Mrs. Park yelled at him. He didn't like that as his smirk was replaced with a pissed off frown, "Oh yeah!? And what are you going to do about it you old hag with your weak body!". "Don't call her that!" I shouted angrily at him. He turned slowly to face me, and I felt chills go down my back. His expression was cold and crazed, his eyes lifeless. 

"I told you Jungkook, if you don't want anything to happen to you, you better act properly and listen!" he bangs his fist on my cell bars, making them crack slightly. I stood frozen in fear and looked into the glowing yellow eyes staring right back into me.

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